1 00:00:01,150 --> 00:00:07,390 So far in this course we've seen how to discover and exploit a large number of vulnerabilities. 2 00:00:07,960 --> 00:00:14,590 We've seen how we can exploit these vulnerabilities such as skill injections for inclusion and code 3 00:00:14,620 --> 00:00:21,310 execution and even file upload and get a reverse shell so that we'll actually have access to the server 4 00:00:21,310 --> 00:00:22,200 itself. 5 00:00:23,100 --> 00:00:29,580 And the file upload example we were able to upload a weekly show which gives us a lot of capabilities 6 00:00:29,610 --> 00:00:31,100 and a lot of features. 7 00:00:31,860 --> 00:00:37,770 In simpler examples like the code execution and in the SQL injection we only managed to get a reverse 8 00:00:37,770 --> 00:00:38,880 shell. 9 00:00:39,000 --> 00:00:43,830 So in this section we're going to see how we can interact with a reverse shell with Wheatley's shell 10 00:00:44,220 --> 00:00:49,150 and we'll see what can we do now that we actually have access to the target server. 11 00:00:50,010 --> 00:00:55,250 So I'm going to start with the reverse gel because it doesn't give us as much capabilities as we've 12 00:00:55,250 --> 00:00:55,730 lived. 13 00:00:55,890 --> 00:01:01,200 And then we'll see how we can escalate that to a shell and then we'll see what we can do after that. 14 00:01:01,650 --> 00:01:09,680 So first of all here I'm just going to listen on port 8 8 8 8 and so that I just want to get a reverse 15 00:01:09,680 --> 00:01:11,600 connection on this computer. 16 00:01:11,690 --> 00:01:16,440 Now I'm going to get my IP by running ifconfig. 17 00:01:16,520 --> 00:01:23,080 My IP is 10 2014 to 13. 18 00:01:23,190 --> 00:01:30,600 So I'm just going to go to my DVD and exploit the code execution vulnerability just so that we can have 19 00:01:30,660 --> 00:01:33,370 a reverse shell and then we'll see how we can interact with it. 20 00:01:33,370 --> 00:01:43,130 So I'm going to do this quickly because we've already spoke about it in the code execution lecture. 21 00:01:43,290 --> 00:01:45,960 So I'm just going to say at the security level to low 22 00:01:48,750 --> 00:01:56,110 and then go on the command execution make this bigger. 23 00:01:56,330 --> 00:01:59,000 And as you remember we used to put an IP address. 24 00:01:59,010 --> 00:02:05,630 I'm just going to put anything at the semicolon and then the code that we want to run and I want to 25 00:02:05,690 --> 00:02:08,960 get a connection using netcat so I'm going to do se 26 00:02:13,140 --> 00:02:15,340 and then with the port. 27 00:02:15,360 --> 00:02:20,720 Now this is the same code that we use and the scale injection we on Europe this in ph code. 28 00:02:20,730 --> 00:02:26,050 It's the same code that we use with the file inclusion vulnerabilities as well. 29 00:02:26,070 --> 00:02:31,620 So we'll actually be getting the same access as what we're getting in here when we exploit the other 30 00:02:31,620 --> 00:02:36,090 vulnerabilities the SQL injection and the local file inclusion. 31 00:02:36,110 --> 00:02:45,650 So if we go here now we actually have complete bash shell so we can run any bash commands we want the 32 00:02:45,650 --> 00:02:52,070 exact same commands that we've seen in the Linux basic section at the start of the scarse. 33 00:02:52,280 --> 00:02:57,530 Now in all of the previous lectures we used to stop once we get to this point and in the file upload 34 00:02:57,650 --> 00:03:01,630 as I said we got a weekly shell which gives us more more capabilities. 35 00:03:01,860 --> 00:03:07,780 So the first thing I'm going to teach you what can you do now with this access with their virtual access. 36 00:03:07,790 --> 00:03:12,260 Then once we know what you can do with that we're going to see how you could escalate this unconverted 37 00:03:12,260 --> 00:03:19,580 to a weekly show which allows you to do more attacks or allow you to do more things on the target computer. 38 00:03:19,580 --> 00:03:25,970 Once we have a weekly shell I will be at the same level as what you would gain when you exploit a file 39 00:03:25,970 --> 00:03:27,280 upload vulnerability. 40 00:03:27,290 --> 00:03:32,570 We'll see what could you do with that so you'll you'll learn a large number of powerful attacks like 41 00:03:32,570 --> 00:03:33,760 running system commands. 42 00:03:33,760 --> 00:03:38,360 Even if there are security on the target server you'll learn how to navigate to other web sites on the 43 00:03:38,360 --> 00:03:45,110 same server read upload and download files and access the database and bypass security measurements 44 00:03:45,380 --> 00:03:47,960 that might prevent you from doing these things. 45 00:03:49,450 --> 00:03:54,880 So the next lecture I'm going to start from here and we're going to keep building up on our access and 46 00:03:54,880 --> 00:03:57,160 we'll see what can we do on the target server.