1 00:00:00,150 --> 00:00:04,790 This video, we will learn how to decode and decompiled HBK files. 2 00:00:05,670 --> 00:00:11,040 You can do the same for any application you'll download from the reference websites given earlier in 3 00:00:11,040 --> 00:00:18,360 this course and as well for any upcoming AP case that we will use in the upcoming videos. 4 00:00:19,050 --> 00:00:22,530 So we will use the Trojan signed a B.K.. 5 00:00:23,040 --> 00:00:25,890 So let's start by compiling this application. 6 00:00:26,550 --> 00:00:30,660 You open the terminal here and let's go to the desktop. 7 00:00:34,560 --> 00:00:45,960 As you can see, we have two applications, the first comment to use is a B.K. tool space D and then 8 00:00:46,680 --> 00:00:51,140 Torossian Dash signs dot APJ. 9 00:00:52,930 --> 00:00:53,650 Press enter. 10 00:00:54,280 --> 00:00:57,520 You'll see that a new fooler has been populated here. 11 00:00:59,110 --> 00:01:02,380 Let's open that folder and see the contents. 12 00:01:03,010 --> 00:01:12,490 If you double click on the Android manifest now, you'll be able to read that file and do the permissions 13 00:01:12,490 --> 00:01:12,940 review. 14 00:01:14,110 --> 00:01:15,010 We'll do that later. 15 00:01:16,300 --> 00:01:20,680 Now we need to decompiled the children, the AP, Caifa. 16 00:01:21,130 --> 00:01:27,010 If you double click on that file, you'll be able to see the classes, the D X File that has all the 17 00:01:27,010 --> 00:01:29,890 compiled code or Java code. 18 00:01:30,670 --> 00:01:41,410 No, I will issue another command, which is D2 G, which is Decs to Geor and then we reference the 19 00:01:41,410 --> 00:01:45,790 Trillian dash sine dot APJ file. 20 00:01:47,620 --> 00:01:55,600 Notice here that any new file has been created with the extension of the jar jar extension or purely 21 00:01:55,600 --> 00:01:58,960 Java files that can be viewed with. 22 00:01:59,230 --> 00:02:02,430 We'll use this tool here called Jadi Gooey. 23 00:02:04,360 --> 00:02:05,560 I'll minimize that here. 24 00:02:07,900 --> 00:02:09,550 You should drag and drop this file. 25 00:02:10,060 --> 00:02:16,960 You'll be able to see only classes in a human readable format. 26 00:02:17,650 --> 00:02:26,470 So we will use this file or this combination of file and files and classes in addition to the Android 27 00:02:26,470 --> 00:02:33,580 manifest that Excel file to perform our static malware analysis. 28 00:02:35,110 --> 00:02:41,170 One thing to note here that if you downloading a file from the Internet, some of these files might 29 00:02:41,170 --> 00:02:41,890 be zipped. 30 00:02:42,340 --> 00:02:54,110 The command to use is seven zie dash e4 extract, then the name of the file, then the extension that 31 00:02:54,130 --> 00:02:57,160 Zipp or DOT seven zie.