Write a program that can prompt the user to enter a word, then count the number of characters in that word and print a message: word has numcharacters Example output: Enter a string: apple apple has 5 characters -- SPOILER ALERT --- (scroll down to see design of solution) printf function: 00402614 scanf function: 00402604 strlen function: 004025F4 printf("Enter a word: "); 00403050 scanf("%s", word); 00403070, 00405010 strlen(word); 00405010 printf("%s has %d characters\n", word, numchars); 00403090 00405010 00405030 push "Enter a word: " call printf push word push "%s" call scanf push word call strlen mov dword ptr[numchars], eax push dword ptr[numchars] push word push "%s has %d characters\n" call printf