from netmiko import ConnectHandler router_num = input("How many routers would you like to configure: ") router_num = int(router_num) while router_num > 0: HOST = input("Enter the IP Address of Device to be Configured: ") user = input("Enter your SSH username: ") PASS = input("Enter your Password: ") ABC = { 'device_type': 'cisco_ios', 'host': HOST, 'username': user, 'password': PASS } z=0 inter_t = 'Tunnel' MYSSH = ConnectHandler(**ABC) SIIB = MYSSH.send_command('show ip int brief') log_file = open('TEMP.txt', "w") log_file.write(SIIB) log_file.write("\n") log_file.close() with open('TEMP.txt') as Tunnelfile: for line in Tunnelfile: if inter_t in line: x = line.split() y = x[0] z= y[6:] z = int(z) z += 1 int_t = str(z) peer = input('Type the IP Address of remote peer:') print('\nIKEv2 Phase I Parameters\n') P1_hash = input('Specify the Phase I Integrity - [MD5 | SHA1 | SHA256]: ') P1_encryption = input('Specify the Phase I Encryption - [DES | 3DES | AES-CBC-128] :') P1_group = input('Specify the Phase I DH Group: [1 | 2 | 5] : ') psk = input('Specify the Pre-shared-Key : ') print('\nPhase II Parameters\n') P2_hash = input('Specify the Phase II Hash - [MD5 | SHA | SHA256]: ') P2_encryption = input('Specify the Phase II Encryption - [DES | 3DES | AES] :') print('\nTunnel Information\n') int_o = input('Specify the Source Interface: ') t_network = input('Specify the Tunnel IP Address: ') print('\nRouting Information\n') eigrp_as = input('Specify EIGRP AS: ') s_network = input('Specify the Network to Advertise: ') config_file = open('svti.txt', "w") config_file.write('crypto ikev2 proposal PROP1') config_file.write("\n") config_file.write(' Integrity ' + P1_hash) config_file.write("\n") config_file.write(' encryption ' + P1_encryption) config_file.write("\n") config_file.write(' group ' + P1_group) config_file.write("\n") config_file.write('!\ncrypto ikev2 policy POL1\n') config_file.write(' proposal PROP1\n') config_file.write('!\ncrypto ikev2 keyring KR1\n') config_file.write(' peer REMOTE\n') config_file.write(' address ' + peer + '\n') config_file.write(' pre-shared-key ' + psk + '\n') config_file.write('!\ncrypto ikev2 profile IKEv2-PROF\n') config_file.write(' match identity remote address ' + peer + '\n') config_file.write(' authentication local pre-share\n') config_file.write(' authentication remote pre-share\n') config_file.write(' Keyring local KR1\n') config_file.write('!\ncrypto ipsec transform-set TSET esp-' + P2_hash + '-hmac esp-' +P2_encryption + '\n') config_file.write('!\ncrypto ipsec profile IPROF\n') config_file.write(' set ikev2-profile IKEv2-PROF\n') config_file.write(' set transform-set TSET\n') config_file.write('!\nInterface Tunnel ' + int_t + '\n') config_file.write(' Tunnel destination ' + peer + '\n') config_file.write(' Tunnel Source ' + int_o + '\n') config_file.write(' ip address ' + t_network + '\n') config_file.write(' Tunnel mode ipsec ipv4\n') config_file.write(' Tunnel protection ipsec profile IPROF\n') config_file.write('!\nrouter eigrp ' + eigrp_as + '\n') config_file.write(' network ' + s_network + '\n') config_file.write(' network ' + t_network + '\n') config_file.close() cmdfile = 'svti.txt' output=MYSSH.send_config_from_file(cmdfile) print(output) print('IPSec Configured') MYSSH.disconnect() router_num -=1 input('Press Enter to Finish')