1 00:00:00,720 --> 00:00:06,860 In this lecture I will give a brief introduction about Cubana and elastic stuck. 2 00:00:06,980 --> 00:00:09,400 So what is elastic stuck. 3 00:00:09,510 --> 00:00:16,940 It is a collection of free and open source projects that is developed by the elastic company. 4 00:00:17,070 --> 00:00:24,150 It allows you to centralize the monitoring alerting and logging for your server and application infrastructure 5 00:00:24,870 --> 00:00:29,450 so you can track hundreds or even thousands of servers. 6 00:00:29,460 --> 00:00:37,470 It was originally named alias stuck has an acronym for elastic search drug stash and Cabana. 7 00:00:37,500 --> 00:00:42,800 It was renamed to elastic stock after adding the beats utilities. 8 00:00:42,840 --> 00:00:49,830 The first component of the elastic stock is elastic sesh which represents the back end of the elastic 9 00:00:49,830 --> 00:00:51,240 stack. 10 00:00:51,270 --> 00:01:00,030 It is research and analytics engine that allows for fast full text searching using a distributed highly 11 00:01:00,030 --> 00:01:02,750 scalable indexing and document database. 12 00:01:02,970 --> 00:01:09,690 And then we have log stash which is server side data processing by blind that ingests data from multiple 13 00:01:09,690 --> 00:01:19,560 sources simultaneously transforms it and then sends it to elastic search so it avoids log data inconsistency 14 00:01:20,070 --> 00:01:27,050 by cleaning and reformatting it before forwarding it to elastic search. 15 00:01:27,100 --> 00:01:35,050 And also we have Cubana which allows users to visualize data with charts and graphs in elastic search 16 00:01:36,380 --> 00:01:38,130 it is powerful. 17 00:01:38,160 --> 00:01:44,680 Based front end that works very easily with elastic search and Cabana. 18 00:01:44,690 --> 00:01:51,380 It is easy to create useful dashboards and share them with co-workers and security union. 19 00:01:51,410 --> 00:02:01,130 We can use kirana as an IBM and instead of Elsa since Elsa will be end of life on the 29th of October 20 00:02:01,500 --> 00:02:13,480 2018 we can do things in key banner such as local normalization log summarization log aggregation and 21 00:02:13,490 --> 00:02:20,830 reporting so on this lecture I have given you a brief introduction about Cuba and elastic stuck.