Why Am I Choosing A Single Exploit ?

Well first of all this exploit just came out and it targets windows 10 machines. Depending on when you watch this video this will most likely be patched but you should still be able to find a lot of windows 10 machines that are vulnerable to this attack. That is just how it is ... people do not update their machines regularly.

However, I am not showing this just because its new but also to show you that sometimes you have to search for different tools and exploits in order to get something to work. You wont always have it as easy as loading metasploit framework module and pressing "run". You might need to dig through github for some exploit code. Usually that exploit code will be unstable so you will also have to change a few things here and there (this is where programming skills are really useful) and even after doing all of that it still might not work! Dont worry, all of this is a part of being a penetration tester!

Another important thing is to always keep yourself updated, because once a zero day exploit is found. You will almost never find it on known tools such as msfconsole before it gets patched. By getting hands on it as soon as possible you are ahead of the bad guys and you can help protect and secure other networks and machines.

But I cant really point out how important programming skills will be for you in the future if you continue to work in this field. And the good part is that you dont need to be as good as "developers". Our goal is not to make cleanest code possible but only to get it to work!

Anyways, more about programming for Ethical Hackers at the end of the course, for now lets get straight into attacking Vulnerable Windows 10 Machine!