Challenge #1

On Kali launch Wireshark as root and start capturing all traffic on the interface connected to the network. Generate some traffic and notice the captured packets in Wireshark.

Stop the capture and then save it as a pcap file.

For the next challenges open this pcap file in Wireshark.

Challenge #2

Write a display filter to see only icmp traffic.

Are you stuck? Do you want to see the solution for this challenge? Click here.

Challenge #3

Write a display filter to see only http (port 80) or https (port 443) traffic.

Are you stuck? Do you want to see the solution for this challenge? Click here.

Challenge #4

Write a display filter to see ALL traffic EXCEPTING http (port 80) and https (port 443) traffic.

Are you stuck? Do you want to see the solution for this challenge? Click here.

Challenge #5

Write a display filter to see ALL traffic going to

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Challenge #6

Write a display filter to see ALL the packets (frames) than contain the string root

Are you stuck? Do you want to see the solution for this challenge? Click here.

Challenge #7

Write a display filter to see only http (port 80) packets. Select a packet and follow the TCP stream.

Are you stuck? Do you want to see the solution for this challenge? Click here.

Challenge #8

Start capturing web traffic (http/port 80) using tcpdump. Use the verbose option.

Connect to and notice the captured traffic.

Are you stuck? Do you want to see the solution for this challenge? Click here.

Challenge #9

Read this pcap file with tcpdump.

Are you stuck? Do you want to see the solution for this challenge? Click here.