1 00:00:14,680 --> 00:00:20,410 Hello and welcome to the Golang programming language course in the previous session, we talked about 2 00:00:20,410 --> 00:00:23,090 coffee one as nice items into another. 3 00:00:23,110 --> 00:00:25,910 It's nice and golden in this session. 4 00:00:25,930 --> 00:00:27,750 We want to talk about the others. 5 00:00:27,760 --> 00:00:28,810 It's nice this concept. 6 00:00:33,170 --> 00:00:41,360 Append its lines to an existing disguise and go language, the uses of triple dot or ellipses used to 7 00:00:41,360 --> 00:00:42,710 append a slice. 8 00:00:43,550 --> 00:00:50,260 Now go to this good program to illustrate how to append this line to an existing is nice and go line 9 00:00:51,050 --> 00:00:51,470 first. 10 00:00:51,470 --> 00:00:52,940 Create with slices. 11 00:00:54,190 --> 00:01:02,140 In this case, we define variables, by the way, that she walked by this nice one. 12 00:01:02,860 --> 00:01:08,710 He calls it square brackets, Typekit string and assign values. 13 00:01:10,030 --> 00:01:25,950 Java Sea Shore and Google go to the next line and define an event that it's nice to equals. 14 00:01:26,530 --> 00:01:36,080 The square brackets Typekit string and initialize value curve and pitch. 15 00:01:39,610 --> 00:01:41,800 Now, append is nice one, too. 16 00:01:41,800 --> 00:01:58,120 It's nice to buy ellipses in append function is slice two equals append slice two and slice one by there. 17 00:01:58,250 --> 00:02:03,310 Let's now go to the next line and display two slices. 18 00:02:04,060 --> 00:02:15,200 First off, the slice one column comma slice one and go to the next line. 19 00:02:15,220 --> 00:02:22,690 If B, it's nice to call in and separately, well, it's nice to. 20 00:02:24,140 --> 00:02:28,130 Reformat the crew, save the project and execute the program. 21 00:02:30,710 --> 00:02:32,450 Now we can see the output. 22 00:02:32,760 --> 00:02:36,170 It's like one Java Sea Shark Go. 23 00:02:36,410 --> 00:02:42,020 And it's nice to be Jawbone C-sharp Go. 24 00:02:42,320 --> 00:02:48,260 We could copy as lies to existing as lies by append function and triple dot. 25 00:02:48,950 --> 00:02:54,350 In order not to prolong the time of decision, we will finish it and we will continue the content in 26 00:02:54,350 --> 00:02:55,280 the next session. 27 00:02:55,520 --> 00:02:56,060 Goodbye.