1 00:00:14,710 --> 00:00:20,950 Hello and welcome to the goal and programming language course in the previous session, we talked about 2 00:00:21,190 --> 00:00:24,040 print function and indecision. 3 00:00:24,070 --> 00:00:27,430 We want to talk about the authors this empty package concept. 4 00:00:31,550 --> 00:00:33,710 This print Earth function. 5 00:00:35,100 --> 00:00:43,230 The sprint function in go language formats, according to a format, is specified and returns the resulting 6 00:00:43,230 --> 00:00:43,950 estrange. 7 00:00:45,410 --> 00:00:49,320 This sprint, it functions the same way as print. 8 00:00:49,320 --> 00:00:57,060 If that's the only difference is that Sprint is free to the format at the input string instead of printing 9 00:00:57,060 --> 00:00:58,530 on the output council. 10 00:00:59,490 --> 00:01:03,390 Moreover, this function is defined under the empty package. 11 00:01:03,570 --> 00:01:07,680 Here, you need to import this empty package in order to use this function. 12 00:01:08,370 --> 00:01:10,410 Now you can see the syntax. 13 00:01:12,430 --> 00:01:18,220 Parameter dysfunction accepts two parameters which are illustrated below first. 14 00:01:18,410 --> 00:01:26,080 Format Typekit this room, this includes some verbs along with some strings and second, a triggered 15 00:01:26,080 --> 00:01:26,920 interface. 16 00:01:26,950 --> 00:01:31,530 This is the specified constant variables and return value. 17 00:01:31,540 --> 00:01:33,850 It returns the resulting string. 18 00:01:34,480 --> 00:01:44,290 Now let's go to this good program to illustrate the use age offspring f function first, declaring some 19 00:01:44,380 --> 00:01:51,820 string variables that name Croma value equals, he said. 20 00:01:51,820 --> 00:01:53,080 Where do you go? 21 00:01:53,290 --> 00:02:03,460 And for value visa programming language now calling its print function? 22 00:02:04,000 --> 00:02:17,040 First, define a variable like resolved calling equals f empty package dot s preened f function first 23 00:02:17,050 --> 00:02:31,030 and s lowercase for S2 variable and is a and percent is lowercase dot bank slashed and set a string 24 00:02:31,030 --> 00:02:35,110 variable name and value. 25 00:02:38,230 --> 00:02:45,460 Now calling write a string function from i o package to write the contents of the S10 result to oldest 26 00:02:45,820 --> 00:02:46,420 city out. 27 00:02:46,420 --> 00:03:00,250 So Ryan i o dot rather history and set arguments as to the outfrom OS package or s dot this p the out 28 00:03:01,330 --> 00:03:06,340 and search results and save the project. 29 00:03:06,460 --> 00:03:10,780 Now, go to the next line and define some other variables. 30 00:03:10,780 --> 00:03:27,890 For the example, VI number one, number two and number three initialized in five, 10 and 15 and calling 31 00:03:27,890 --> 00:03:41,770 your sprint function again resolved equals if emptied out as plaintiff and set variable first in the 32 00:03:42,220 --> 00:03:52,780 class percent the equals first, then the and set variables for these converging characters. 33 00:03:53,230 --> 00:04:08,050 Number one and number two and set number three now calling write a string function to write the contents 34 00:04:08,050 --> 00:04:09,590 of this and result to all. 35 00:04:09,670 --> 00:04:23,620 Statistically, the again i o dot write the string history the are front always package and set result 36 00:04:23,800 --> 00:04:24,370 variable. 37 00:04:26,140 --> 00:04:30,310 Reformat the code, save the project and execute the program. 38 00:04:32,240 --> 00:04:38,090 Now we can see the output go is a programming language and five plus 10 equals 15. 39 00:04:38,540 --> 00:04:45,320 First, we create this string variable and using the ESP function to four months, according to a format 40 00:04:45,460 --> 00:04:46,070 specified. 41 00:04:46,370 --> 00:04:50,390 Then we assign the return value inside the recent event. 42 00:04:50,660 --> 00:04:58,610 And finally, we bring the value of the result variable inside the standard output in order not to prolong 43 00:04:58,610 --> 00:04:59,720 the time of decision. 44 00:04:59,930 --> 00:05:04,130 We will finish sheet and we will continue the content in the next session. 45 00:05:04,340 --> 00:05:04,820 Goodbye.