1 00:00:00,240 --> 00:00:02,400 Callisthenics ezo downlow. 2 00:00:04,000 --> 00:00:08,800 Now, there are other course we're going to use the Calli Linux operating system, which is commonly 3 00:00:08,800 --> 00:00:10,180 used in penetration testing. 4 00:00:11,350 --> 00:00:18,310 Kelly Lennox is a Darwin based open source Linux distro, and it is installed in many hacking programs 5 00:00:18,310 --> 00:00:20,490 that are used in penetration tests. 6 00:00:21,460 --> 00:00:23,350 So you're going to encounter it everywhere you go. 7 00:00:24,520 --> 00:00:28,690 Now we can install Kelly Linux on our host computer in several different ways. 8 00:00:29,600 --> 00:00:33,140 So one of these methods is the insulation with an ISO file. 9 00:00:34,180 --> 00:00:36,100 So just open up your favorite Web browser. 10 00:00:37,100 --> 00:00:42,260 And type in Kelly Linux into the search engine, which is your favorite, of course. 11 00:00:43,790 --> 00:00:50,650 Ali Linux's official website will probably come up as a top result, so click here. 12 00:00:52,500 --> 00:00:57,900 And now this screen will list the different ISO installation images of the current Linux distribution. 13 00:00:58,840 --> 00:01:02,230 And each of these will have their own 32 and 64 bit. 14 00:01:03,860 --> 00:01:07,070 So Kelly Lennox uses the GNOME desktop by default. 15 00:01:08,370 --> 00:01:11,640 So just click on the top Kelly Olynyk 64 bit. 16 00:01:12,590 --> 00:01:18,260 And by clicking the save button on the screen, the ISO image file will be downloaded to the computer. 17 00:01:19,280 --> 00:01:25,220 Now, the file size is pretty large, so downloading could take some time depending upon where you are 18 00:01:25,220 --> 00:01:27,050 and how fast your Internet connection is. 19 00:01:28,910 --> 00:01:35,870 And of course, when the download is complete, it'll be in the folder that you've already assigned 20 00:01:35,870 --> 00:01:36,470 to your download. 21 00:01:37,310 --> 00:01:38,150 And there you go. 22 00:01:38,150 --> 00:01:40,760 The download has been completed successfully.