1 00:00:02,520 --> 00:00:10,620 Welcome to the vision energy source for the electric vehicle in this session will discuss about the 2 00:00:10,620 --> 00:00:16,410 various energy sources that can be possible to drive the electric motor as we have different electric 3 00:00:16,410 --> 00:00:20,580 vehicles are the device that the electrical motor as a propulsion. 4 00:00:21,660 --> 00:00:27,690 So let's discuss what are the different alternatives other than the battery that can be used as an energy 5 00:00:27,930 --> 00:00:28,430 source? 6 00:00:30,120 --> 00:00:35,550 Whenever we think about energy, source or things come to mind is always battery. 7 00:00:38,440 --> 00:00:45,220 That is no doubt electric batteries are used as a main source for the electric vehicle, but there are 8 00:00:45,220 --> 00:00:51,130 possibilities of using someone at the source as a main source as well as some additional source can 9 00:00:51,130 --> 00:00:53,410 be also used to enhance the battery range. 10 00:00:54,640 --> 00:00:57,700 So we'll discuss about the various energy source. 11 00:00:58,040 --> 00:01:05,500 We start with the battery at the DC source that controls the DC motors, as well as the AC motor with 12 00:01:05,500 --> 00:01:08,230 the additional power electronics controller. 13 00:01:09,440 --> 00:01:13,650 More tremors, electric battery taps are the lead acid and lithium ion batteries. 14 00:01:14,090 --> 00:01:20,600 So nowadays we are using the lithium ion batteries or the electric propulsion and electric vehicle that 15 00:01:20,600 --> 00:01:22,340 we call the metal electric. 16 00:01:25,620 --> 00:01:34,540 We also option to use hydrogen fuel cell as a source of electrical energy to be used with the motor 17 00:01:34,540 --> 00:01:40,570 driven vehicle or vehicle which is propelled by the electric motor. 18 00:01:41,820 --> 00:01:47,100 We will discuss in detail about this energy source later. 19 00:01:47,680 --> 00:01:54,810 We can also help the ultra capacitor that can be used as energy source for the electric vehicle. 20 00:01:56,970 --> 00:02:01,880 And we can also use, in addition, the flywheel as a source of electric energy. 21 00:02:02,790 --> 00:02:10,530 But on the Electric Motor will also discuss about how it's working in Detroit and its limitation and 22 00:02:10,530 --> 00:02:15,180 how we can extend the range of battery using the energy source. 23 00:02:15,660 --> 00:02:21,420 So it's called the hybridization of sorts, which is the latest trend in electric vehicle technology 24 00:02:21,810 --> 00:02:27,170 to use more than one energy source in addition to battery and to support the battery. 25 00:02:27,250 --> 00:02:33,420 And we can have the fuel cell ultra capacitor flywheel that can be used to extend the range of battery 26 00:02:33,720 --> 00:02:37,200 and with the proper optimization of its use. 27 00:02:37,800 --> 00:02:45,630 So before starting each energy source, let's first discuss the parameters and the ways that we already 28 00:02:45,630 --> 00:02:48,950 know about the parameters of the energy source. 29 00:02:48,960 --> 00:02:53,630 We know the energy source is represented in the most specific energy. 30 00:02:54,060 --> 00:03:01,080 Yet we are not comparing the battery with the gasoline fuel because specific energy battery is very 31 00:03:01,410 --> 00:03:08,050 lightweight compared to petrol and diesel under the efficiency of electric motors is very high contrast. 32 00:03:08,490 --> 00:03:16,500 But we are going to discuss the energy source and compare it so we can have a better idea of hybridization 33 00:03:16,500 --> 00:03:23,580 and how we can improve the hybridization of energy source to extend the range of electric vehicle specific 34 00:03:23,580 --> 00:03:31,410 energy, energy density and power density at three main parameters of energy source that we need to 35 00:03:31,650 --> 00:03:36,630 understand specific energies, energy per unit mass. 36 00:03:37,080 --> 00:03:40,600 That means it's measuring what that what gayety. 37 00:03:41,640 --> 00:03:47,440 It can also be measured in July, but Kaiji one, what section is equal to one July that we know? 38 00:03:50,220 --> 00:03:58,260 I'm using the unit waterwork energy density is the energy per unit volume, I it's always not necessary. 39 00:03:58,560 --> 00:04:00,330 It's same because we'll discuss it. 40 00:04:00,330 --> 00:04:06,810 But in case of seeing also in case of hydrogen also, that is the difference between what are cagey 41 00:04:06,870 --> 00:04:08,570 and what are what liter. 42 00:04:09,030 --> 00:04:15,780 And so energy density is energy per unit volume, methane water per liter. 43 00:04:16,090 --> 00:04:17,730 This is the general unit we use. 44 00:04:17,880 --> 00:04:20,850 And as a unit, as you know, water meter cube. 45 00:04:22,400 --> 00:04:28,790 So what are the better way to understand and having the idea about its energy density? 46 00:04:32,380 --> 00:04:37,350 Our density is the power per unit volume work, but little. 47 00:04:39,380 --> 00:04:45,560 So these three parameters must be understood and based on this parameter will compare to different energy 48 00:04:45,560 --> 00:04:53,780 source also and before comparison is tacked on the battery and we will understand the different energy 49 00:04:53,780 --> 00:04:59,540 source entity and then we will discuss about the hybridization of energy source.