1 00:00:01,030 --> 00:00:07,020 Now from the previous lectures we know once we connect to our network it's game over. 2 00:00:07,180 --> 00:00:14,560 Because once connected we can run an AARP spoofing attack to redirect the flow of packets so that they 3 00:00:14,590 --> 00:00:16,770 go through our computer. 4 00:00:16,780 --> 00:00:19,020 This allow us to become the man in the middle. 5 00:00:19,300 --> 00:00:21,170 And once were the man in the middle. 6 00:00:21,220 --> 00:00:29,500 We can run so many dangerous and effective attacks so we can spy on all the users steal their passwords 7 00:00:29,710 --> 00:00:31,990 redirect them to different Web sites. 8 00:00:32,080 --> 00:00:36,020 And this is all just a small taste of what you can do. 9 00:00:36,070 --> 00:00:42,580 You'll actually see us build on this in the client side the tax section where we're going to completely 10 00:00:42,580 --> 00:00:46,720 hack into computers connected to the same network as us. 11 00:00:47,290 --> 00:00:53,590 And if you go and do my advanced network hacking course then you'll see more advanced attacks that will 12 00:00:53,590 --> 00:00:57,700 allow us to do so many cool stuff on the network. 13 00:00:57,700 --> 00:01:04,960 And again all of this is possible because once we connect we can run ERP spoofing and become the man 14 00:01:04,960 --> 00:01:05,640 in the middle. 15 00:01:06,850 --> 00:01:12,580 Now in this section I actually want to show you another method that'll allow us to become the man in 16 00:01:12,580 --> 00:01:17,620 the middle and once more the man in the middle we'll be able to run all of the attacks that you've seen 17 00:01:17,620 --> 00:01:23,710 so far and all of the other man in the middle attacks that you'll learn in the future. 18 00:01:23,710 --> 00:01:29,230 So let's go back to the first diagram that we learned in this course when we were talking about how 19 00:01:29,230 --> 00:01:31,120 networks work in general. 20 00:01:31,120 --> 00:01:37,630 We said the only device that has access to the Internet is the access point and whenever a client wants 21 00:01:37,630 --> 00:01:43,090 to access something they send the request to the access point the access point goes through the Internet 22 00:01:43,330 --> 00:01:48,210 gets the response and send it back to the client now. 23 00:01:48,250 --> 00:01:54,350 What if we replace this Access Point with our hacker computer. 24 00:01:54,490 --> 00:02:04,150 So what if we can use our machine to create a Wi-Fi network that actually has internet access so people 25 00:02:04,150 --> 00:02:09,270 will actually try to come in and connect to our network to access the Internet. 26 00:02:09,940 --> 00:02:16,030 And then when they connect to our network by default we will be the man in the middle because we are 27 00:02:16,030 --> 00:02:22,420 the router so we won't really need to exploit anything we are automatically the man in the middle. 28 00:02:22,570 --> 00:02:28,450 And the clients will automatically send us any requests because they want to access the Internet and 29 00:02:28,450 --> 00:02:33,940 we will see these requests obviously go to the Internet get them what they want and give it back to 30 00:02:33,940 --> 00:02:35,090 them. 31 00:02:35,200 --> 00:02:41,830 This way we'll be able to launch all of the attacks that I showed you previously without the need to 32 00:02:41,830 --> 00:02:44,020 exploit the AARP protocol. 33 00:02:44,020 --> 00:02:50,590 So with that the need to run AARP spoofing all will have to do once our network is running and we have 34 00:02:50,590 --> 00:02:51,820 clients connected. 35 00:02:51,820 --> 00:03:00,040 We can just start sniffing using wire shark or using man in the middle F so for this to work you need 36 00:03:00,040 --> 00:03:04,140 a computer and we already have our hacker computer with Khalili next. 37 00:03:04,210 --> 00:03:12,640 You also need internet access and you need a wireless device that that's going to broadcast the Wi-Fi 38 00:03:12,640 --> 00:03:19,000 signal until all the neighboring devices that I am a network you can come in and connect to me. 39 00:03:20,080 --> 00:03:26,260 So you will need first of all an interface that has Internet connection. 40 00:03:26,260 --> 00:03:31,070 This interface it can be a Wi-Fi interface connected to the Internet. 41 00:03:31,180 --> 00:03:36,000 It could be an either net interface connected to an Ethernet network. 42 00:03:36,100 --> 00:03:42,340 It could be a 3G or a 4G dongle and it even can be a virtual interface. 43 00:03:42,340 --> 00:03:44,590 And this is where I'm actually going to do. 44 00:03:44,720 --> 00:03:47,190 It's going to be my 88 0. 45 00:03:47,230 --> 00:03:56,830 The virtual interface that is connected to my not network so this can be any network device as long 46 00:03:56,920 --> 00:03:58,860 as it has Internet access. 47 00:04:00,540 --> 00:04:02,760 The next interface that you will need. 48 00:04:02,820 --> 00:04:09,210 Like I said it's going to have to be a Wi-Fi interface because it needs to be able to broadcast the 49 00:04:09,210 --> 00:04:15,570 signal for the network and you can't use any Wi-Fi interface. 50 00:04:15,630 --> 00:04:25,770 This interface needs to be able to act as an access point so it needs to be capable of acting like a 51 00:04:25,770 --> 00:04:29,000 proper access point like character. 52 00:04:29,070 --> 00:04:36,200 Now all of the Wi-Fi adapters that I recommend support this mode and I've already included a video in 53 00:04:36,200 --> 00:04:42,360 the resources before when when I first spoke about wireless adapters but I'm also going to include this 54 00:04:42,360 --> 00:04:44,900 video in the resources of this lecture. 55 00:04:45,030 --> 00:04:50,590 So if you're going to buy one or if you're not sure how to pick the right one then check out this video. 56 00:04:50,610 --> 00:04:53,100 It should be helpful for you. 57 00:04:53,190 --> 00:05:01,260 So once we have this setup properly we can use our computer to start an access point and it's going 58 00:05:01,260 --> 00:05:03,890 to act exactly like her after. 59 00:05:04,050 --> 00:05:08,610 So people will be able to see the network when they look for Wi-Fi networks. 60 00:05:08,610 --> 00:05:14,850 They'll be able to connect to it and get internet connection but when they connect they will have to 61 00:05:14,850 --> 00:05:20,250 send us all of their requests because we are the router we are the access point. 62 00:05:20,340 --> 00:05:24,320 So by default we will be the man in the middle. 63 00:05:24,390 --> 00:05:31,650 Therefore you'll be able to execute all mine in the middle attacks that you learned so far and any other 64 00:05:31,650 --> 00:05:36,370 man in the middle attacks that you will learn in the future. 65 00:05:36,410 --> 00:05:40,920 So basically AARP spoofing is one method of becoming the man in the middle. 66 00:05:41,060 --> 00:05:48,930 And what I'm going to show you right now is another method of becoming the man in the middle now you 67 00:05:48,930 --> 00:05:57,000 can see that in order to use our computer as an access point we need a number of components to be configured 68 00:05:57,000 --> 00:05:58,160 properly. 69 00:05:58,200 --> 00:06:05,970 So first of all we need our wireless interface to broadcast the signal as if it's a real network. 70 00:06:05,970 --> 00:06:11,040 This will allow other clients to connect to it but that's not the end of the road. 71 00:06:11,070 --> 00:06:16,640 The wireless interface needs to know when these clients are requesting Web sites. 72 00:06:16,650 --> 00:06:23,840 It needs to be able to forward these requests to the other interface that is connected to the Internet. 73 00:06:23,850 --> 00:06:29,100 Then again it will need to be able to know when the responses come back and forward. 74 00:06:29,130 --> 00:06:31,860 All of this to the right client. 75 00:06:32,150 --> 00:06:38,550 Now you can configure all of these things manually and I actually covered this in my advanced network 76 00:06:38,550 --> 00:06:44,910 back in course and I cover a lot of advanced things that you can do with the fake access point like 77 00:06:44,910 --> 00:06:47,000 launch in an evil to an attack. 78 00:06:47,010 --> 00:06:55,370 Hacking into WPA to enterprise and so one would this would take at least 30 lectures and this is not 79 00:06:55,480 --> 00:06:59,740 a network hack and course this is a general ethical hack course. 80 00:06:59,900 --> 00:07:05,600 Therefore that would be out of the scope of this lecture if you're interested in learning how to do 81 00:07:05,600 --> 00:07:11,030 this manually and how to run advanced attacks using the fake access point. 82 00:07:11,120 --> 00:07:15,800 Then check out my advanced network hacking course in the bonus lecture. 83 00:07:15,800 --> 00:07:23,150 The last lecture of this course for now for this course I'm going to show you a great way of quickly 84 00:07:23,150 --> 00:07:28,160 creating a fake access point that will allow us to become the man in the middle. 85 00:07:28,160 --> 00:07:36,410 Similar to what's shown in this diagram the tool that we're going to use is called minor toolkit and 86 00:07:36,410 --> 00:07:43,820 it's basically a set of tools that allow us to automatically create a fake access point automatically 87 00:07:43,820 --> 00:07:52,350 sniff data bypass hasty CPS and so one so the tool comes with three main start scripts. 88 00:07:53,220 --> 00:08:00,230 So the first one start no upstream will allow us to start the fake access point with no internet access. 89 00:08:00,810 --> 00:08:02,700 So this is not really useful for us. 90 00:08:02,760 --> 00:08:08,750 And I will not use this in this lecture the next one is third not simple. 91 00:08:08,760 --> 00:08:13,390 This will start a fake access point with Internet access. 92 00:08:13,830 --> 00:08:21,000 The third one start not full will start a fake access point with Internet access and it will automatically 93 00:08:21,000 --> 00:08:28,960 start sniffing data and bypass TTP s now I actually always you start not simple. 94 00:08:28,990 --> 00:08:36,130 I never use third not full because this feels a lot of the times and we already learned how to start 95 00:08:36,130 --> 00:08:43,750 sniffing and bypass each TTP as using better cup so you can always start not simple this or start a 96 00:08:43,750 --> 00:08:50,570 fake access point for you with Internet access and then you can open another terminal window use Buttercup. 97 00:08:50,620 --> 00:08:51,360 Exactly. 98 00:08:51,580 --> 00:08:59,620 As I showed you before and you'll be able to sniff data and bypass TTP yes you can also use wire shark 99 00:08:59,620 --> 00:09:03,040 if you want to sniff the data and analyze them again. 100 00:09:03,040 --> 00:09:10,470 Exactly as shown before now and the next lecture I'm gonna show you how to use minor tool kit to create 101 00:09:10,530 --> 00:09:14,040 a fake access point with internet connection.