1 00:00:00,960 --> 00:00:05,740 The second program that we'll use for network mapping is and Mabbe. 2 00:00:06,030 --> 00:00:12,240 Now in the previous lecture we use net discover and we see how nice it is to quickly discover all the 3 00:00:12,240 --> 00:00:19,260 devices connected to our network see their MAC address and maybe get the vendor and map takes scanning 4 00:00:19,380 --> 00:00:21,170 to a whole new level. 5 00:00:21,180 --> 00:00:27,780 It might be a little bit slower than a Discover but it'll show you much much more information about 6 00:00:27,780 --> 00:00:33,830 the target so you'll be able to see the open ports you'll be able to see the running programs or the 7 00:00:33,840 --> 00:00:36,140 running services on these open ports. 8 00:00:36,210 --> 00:00:42,600 You'll be able to determine the net the computer name the Operating System running on that computer. 9 00:00:42,690 --> 00:00:48,590 If you're in a network you'll be able to discover all of the connected clients you'll be able to bypass 10 00:00:48,640 --> 00:00:56,880 security bypass firewalls and so much more and map is actually a huge tool and there are books and complete 11 00:00:56,910 --> 00:01:02,510 courses done just to teach and map the map book would actually be a really good read. 12 00:01:02,520 --> 00:01:06,660 Once you're done with this course now because this tool is huge. 13 00:01:06,690 --> 00:01:12,210 Were not going to be able to cover all of its uses but in this lecture I'm going to show you the basics 14 00:01:12,210 --> 00:01:18,360 of this tool how to use it to discover all the connected clients and see useful information about them 15 00:01:18,750 --> 00:01:20,550 and will actually use it more. 16 00:01:20,610 --> 00:01:23,590 When we get to the gaining access section. 17 00:01:25,130 --> 00:01:31,940 We're actually going to be using Zend map which is the graphical user interface of and map so to run 18 00:01:31,940 --> 00:01:33,020 it in terminal. 19 00:01:33,020 --> 00:01:34,730 You just have to type them up. 20 00:01:35,770 --> 00:01:38,610 You can find it under your applications menu. 21 00:01:39,450 --> 00:01:43,050 Now as you can see it has a very very simple interface. 22 00:01:43,080 --> 00:01:47,220 The first thing that we see is the target input box in here. 23 00:01:47,220 --> 00:01:48,990 You can put your target. 24 00:01:48,990 --> 00:01:55,500 You can scan any IP that you can reach whether it's a personal computer whether it's a server whether 25 00:01:55,500 --> 00:02:01,200 it's an IP for a web server or for a Web site for example that you want to discover all the open ports 26 00:02:01,230 --> 00:02:06,070 and all the running services on it are like what we're going to do right now. 27 00:02:06,090 --> 00:02:12,690 We can put a range similar to what we did with net discover and it'll scan this whole range discover 28 00:02:12,720 --> 00:02:19,830 all the live IP of the eyepiece of the connected Michi is on the same network and display information 29 00:02:19,890 --> 00:02:20,830 about them. 30 00:02:21,780 --> 00:02:26,680 Now we'll have a look on how to scan sevres in the gain access section. 31 00:02:26,700 --> 00:02:32,820 So for now since we are still in the net where a kiking section we're going to put arrange to discover 32 00:02:32,820 --> 00:02:37,160 all the connected clients and see useful information about them. 33 00:02:37,930 --> 00:02:41,220 So right now I'm actually connected to my wireless network. 34 00:02:41,350 --> 00:02:44,610 That's why I'm going to specify the whole range on that network. 35 00:02:44,680 --> 00:02:47,320 And we see how to get that in the previous lecture. 36 00:02:47,530 --> 00:02:53,000 So a 2 1 9 2 1 6 8 1 1 of 24. 37 00:02:54,630 --> 00:02:56,920 On the bottom you can see the command. 38 00:02:56,990 --> 00:03:02,750 This is actually the map command that will be executed when I hit this kind bottom. 39 00:03:02,750 --> 00:03:08,600 So like I said Zen map what you are using right now is just a graphical interface that will run this 40 00:03:08,600 --> 00:03:11,910 and map come out in the background and show me the results. 41 00:03:12,050 --> 00:03:17,780 So if you know custom and map command you can put it here or if you just want to see a map terminal 42 00:03:17,990 --> 00:03:23,390 you can literally copy this command piece that terminal and it'll give you the same results that you 43 00:03:23,390 --> 00:03:25,320 would get if you're on it here. 44 00:03:26,660 --> 00:03:31,900 Tentatively if you don't really know much about and map and its commands you can use one of their own 45 00:03:32,030 --> 00:03:33,450 profiles in here. 46 00:03:35,390 --> 00:03:40,730 So at this juncture we're actually going to be using a number of these profiles and we'll see the difference 47 00:03:40,730 --> 00:03:44,550 between them in terms of speed and the information gathered. 48 00:03:46,130 --> 00:03:48,550 So I'm going to start with the scar. 49 00:03:48,980 --> 00:03:50,790 This is a very quick scan. 50 00:03:50,830 --> 00:03:54,260 It literally just pings every possible IP in the range. 51 00:03:54,320 --> 00:04:00,290 And if it gets a response It'll record this response and it'll show me the devices that give you a response 52 00:04:00,470 --> 00:04:04,280 which means that these are the devices connected to the network. 53 00:04:04,280 --> 00:04:09,820 Now a lot of devices do not respond to requests even if they are alive. 54 00:04:09,830 --> 00:04:17,210 So the list that you'll get in this scan might not include all the devices connected to your network. 55 00:04:17,210 --> 00:04:19,410 Now once the skynyrd's done as you can see. 56 00:04:19,410 --> 00:04:22,650 We can see the list of all the connected devices in here. 57 00:04:22,950 --> 00:04:28,140 And in here we can also see the mac addresses for each of these devices. 58 00:04:28,160 --> 00:04:29,900 We also see the vendor. 59 00:04:29,900 --> 00:04:35,750 So for example we can see that the device at 1 9 2 1 6 8 1 1 is a Cisco device. 60 00:04:35,750 --> 00:04:38,960 This is actually my rotor and it is made by Cisco. 61 00:04:38,960 --> 00:04:40,190 So this is correct. 62 00:04:40,490 --> 00:04:44,330 So we can go ahead and start looking for exploit in this device. 63 00:04:45,520 --> 00:04:50,020 We can also see the 1 9 2 6 8 1 10 is the haste to see device. 64 00:04:50,020 --> 00:04:53,200 And again this is a hasty Seafoam and this is correct. 65 00:04:53,560 --> 00:04:58,500 And since it takes to see then we know that it's probably running on Android. 66 00:04:58,540 --> 00:05:02,600 So as you can see we're getting more information about the Connected clients. 67 00:05:02,830 --> 00:05:11,390 Again we can see the 1 9 2 1 6 8 1 12 is an up or device so it could be a phone a tablet or our Mac. 68 00:05:11,470 --> 00:05:14,010 We can see the next device is a Dell. 69 00:05:14,380 --> 00:05:20,440 So again it was a very quick scan but as you can see it still gave us much more information than what 70 00:05:20,440 --> 00:05:22,320 we got from that discover. 71 00:05:23,650 --> 00:05:26,640 The next comes that I want to show you is the quick scan. 72 00:05:27,540 --> 00:05:33,040 Now this is going to be slightly slower than the pink scan but it's going to show us more information. 73 00:05:34,950 --> 00:05:40,200 So right now you can see that the scan is showing us the same information that we've seen before with 74 00:05:40,200 --> 00:05:41,340 the piskun. 75 00:05:41,530 --> 00:05:49,080 But it's also shown us the open pore ads on each one of the Discover devices so it's able to discover 76 00:05:49,100 --> 00:05:53,520 the follow in the rafter and we can see that port 80 is open. 77 00:05:53,520 --> 00:05:58,520 This is actually the port used for other outer setting space because it runs on a web server. 78 00:05:58,560 --> 00:06:00,090 So the sist correct. 79 00:06:01,200 --> 00:06:07,080 Again we have our Apple device here that we said it might be a phone or a computer or a tablet but we 80 00:06:07,080 --> 00:06:11,480 can see now it has 22 open so this is a port for a service call. 81 00:06:11,490 --> 00:06:15,650 SS Hage which is designed to allow remote access to the system. 82 00:06:15,660 --> 00:06:18,160 It's running on again. 83 00:06:18,180 --> 00:06:24,360 If you go on all the other devices you can see all the open ports and the service is running on each 84 00:06:24,360 --> 00:06:25,640 one of these ports. 85 00:06:27,360 --> 00:06:34,050 Now the next lecture will build up on this real CEO to gather even more information and you'll see how 86 00:06:34,050 --> 00:06:41,580 important information gathering is because we're going to use the gathered information to hack into 87 00:06:41,670 --> 00:06:45,270 an iPhone that is connected to the same network.