1 00:00:00,300 --> 00:00:01,859 Hello there, you beautiful people. 2 00:00:01,859 --> 00:00:06,570 So in the last video you learned that there is something called the shell that is interpreting the commands 3 00:00:06,570 --> 00:00:08,350 that you type into the terminal. 4 00:00:08,370 --> 00:00:13,380 Now, one reason that Linux is amazing is that the commands that you type all follow a similar type 5 00:00:13,380 --> 00:00:15,630 of structure in the way that you type them. 6 00:00:15,630 --> 00:00:19,890 Now, by understanding this structure, you'll be able to transition from simply just memorizing commands 7 00:00:19,890 --> 00:00:24,660 and hoping for the best to actually understanding the common language that all Linux commands use, 8 00:00:24,660 --> 00:00:28,470 and that will give you a massive boost in your abilities. 9 00:00:28,470 --> 00:00:33,810 So in this video you're going to learn what commands actually are and how they are structured. 10 00:00:33,810 --> 00:00:38,040 And by the end of this video, you'll have a much deeper understanding of what commands are, and the 11 00:00:38,040 --> 00:00:43,260 commands themselves will actually start to look like a language rather than just random gibberish on 12 00:00:43,260 --> 00:00:43,980 the screen. 13 00:00:43,980 --> 00:00:49,740 So this is going to be a very game changing lecture that if you understand fully what I show you here, 14 00:00:49,740 --> 00:00:53,160 it will make your work with the terminal so much easier. 15 00:00:53,160 --> 00:00:55,680 So let's not waste any time and get right into it. 16 00:00:57,710 --> 00:00:58,100 Okay. 17 00:00:58,100 --> 00:01:02,630 So the first thing you need to know is that all commands are effectively just little computer programs 18 00:01:02,630 --> 00:01:05,110 that are installed somewhere on your computer. 19 00:01:05,120 --> 00:01:11,030 So, for example, date is a program, cal is a program, echo is another program and so on. 20 00:01:11,030 --> 00:01:16,790 Now the command or program name that you want to use is always the first part of the command. 21 00:01:16,790 --> 00:01:21,680 So we'd start a command with the word date or with the word cal or with the word echo like you saw before. 22 00:01:21,680 --> 00:01:26,870 Right now, each command has its own unique behavior that you can actually look up using something called 23 00:01:26,870 --> 00:01:30,740 the manual pages, which I'll show you how to do later in this section of the course. 24 00:01:30,740 --> 00:01:34,100 But the general command structure goes like this. 25 00:01:34,130 --> 00:01:36,170 First you type out the command name. 26 00:01:36,170 --> 00:01:38,900 So that would be like date, cal, echo, whatever it would be. 27 00:01:38,900 --> 00:01:44,810 Then you give the command some options to customize its behavior, then you give the command some inputs 28 00:01:44,810 --> 00:01:46,430 to actually operate on. 29 00:01:46,430 --> 00:01:49,220 Now the first thing you type is the command name. 30 00:01:49,220 --> 00:01:52,790 Now that lets the shell know what program you actually want to run. 31 00:01:52,790 --> 00:01:56,540 And once the shell knows what program you want to run or it knows the name of the program you want to 32 00:01:56,540 --> 00:02:02,270 run, the shell will then search for that program on something called Your Shell's Path, which is just 33 00:02:02,270 --> 00:02:05,450 a list of folders that contain these programs. 34 00:02:05,460 --> 00:02:12,050 Now you can actually see your shell's path by typing echo, then a dollar sign, then path. 35 00:02:12,290 --> 00:02:18,650 So echo space, then dollar sign, then path, and you press enter and you see this terrifying output 36 00:02:18,650 --> 00:02:19,220 come out. 37 00:02:19,220 --> 00:02:24,020 But it's actually it's actually very easy to understand once you notice that these are just different 38 00:02:24,020 --> 00:02:28,160 folder paths, each separated by a colon by these two dots here. 39 00:02:28,160 --> 00:02:33,140 So for example, there's a there's a set of there's a folder here that's called slash user slash local 40 00:02:33,140 --> 00:02:34,090 slash spin. 41 00:02:34,100 --> 00:02:39,020 Then you've got another folder here, slash user slash local slash pin, then another folder here and 42 00:02:39,020 --> 00:02:41,420 another folder here and another folder here and so on and so on. 43 00:02:41,420 --> 00:02:41,730 Okay. 44 00:02:41,870 --> 00:02:48,380 So what the shell will do is it'll start at the very left of the path and it will look inside that folder 45 00:02:48,380 --> 00:02:52,790 for a command called Echo or called Cal or called date or whatever you call it. 46 00:02:53,240 --> 00:02:56,930 So it will look in the leftmost folder, and if it doesn't find it there, it'll move to the next one. 47 00:02:56,930 --> 00:03:01,130 So it would start at the very left, then it would move to maybe to this folder. 48 00:03:01,160 --> 00:03:04,580 Okay, then if it didn't find it there, it would move to this folder and if it didn't find it there, 49 00:03:04,580 --> 00:03:08,090 it would move to this folder and so on and so on and so on until it got right to the end. 50 00:03:08,270 --> 00:03:15,500 So to slash, snap, slash bin, and if it didn't find a folder with that name in any of those folders, 51 00:03:15,920 --> 00:03:19,790 then the, the shell would give you a command, an error like command not found. 52 00:03:19,790 --> 00:03:25,940 So if I tried to do Blue Alert and tried to call that as a command, it says it couldn't find this command. 53 00:03:25,940 --> 00:03:30,470 So what the shell did is it looked for a command called this in each of these folders, didn't find 54 00:03:30,470 --> 00:03:31,970 it and said command not found. 55 00:03:31,970 --> 00:03:36,050 Now this is this has an interesting and interesting impact. 56 00:03:36,050 --> 00:03:39,980 The fact that it the fact that it reads from the very left all the way to the very right, let's say 57 00:03:39,980 --> 00:03:48,170 you had a program called blah and blah was actually in this folder here, slash user slash spin, but 58 00:03:48,170 --> 00:03:51,290 it was also in the very far left folder. 59 00:03:52,220 --> 00:03:54,800 Which one do you think will actually be run? 60 00:03:56,170 --> 00:04:00,220 Well, actually, what would happen is it would only run the version in here because that's where it 61 00:04:00,220 --> 00:04:01,150 found it first. 62 00:04:01,150 --> 00:04:06,220 And if you wanted it to run this version, the version was in this folder, that wouldn't be possible 63 00:04:06,220 --> 00:04:09,060 because it found the same name here first. 64 00:04:09,250 --> 00:04:11,530 Okay, so that's just something to bear in mind. 65 00:04:11,530 --> 00:04:14,620 It's not something you'll really run into, but it's just something to bear in mind. 66 00:04:14,680 --> 00:04:15,100 Okay. 67 00:04:15,130 --> 00:04:19,269 Now you can actually see which folder that a command is stored in by using the which command. 68 00:04:19,269 --> 00:04:21,610 So it's like, which folder is this command in. 69 00:04:21,610 --> 00:04:28,420 So I could say which and then Cal and if I press enter it'll tell me that the Cal command is actually 70 00:04:28,420 --> 00:04:30,850 in the slash user slash bin folder. 71 00:04:30,850 --> 00:04:35,980 And if we look at our path, we can see that slash user slash bin is located here. 72 00:04:35,980 --> 00:04:40,570 So it is on our path and therefore Cal was able to be found. 73 00:04:40,570 --> 00:04:47,470 And let's try that again for Echo, if we do, which echo you can say slash bin, slash echo. 74 00:04:47,470 --> 00:04:50,200 And if we look on here, we'll find somewhere. 75 00:04:50,200 --> 00:04:52,900 Slash bin is somewhere. 76 00:04:53,260 --> 00:04:53,680 Here we are. 77 00:04:53,680 --> 00:04:54,520 Slash bin. 78 00:04:54,520 --> 00:04:55,120 There we go. 79 00:04:55,120 --> 00:04:57,400 So Slash Bin is also on our path. 80 00:04:57,400 --> 00:04:59,110 You can actually also look at the which command. 81 00:04:59,110 --> 00:05:02,890 So the which of which which which folder is the which command in. 82 00:05:02,890 --> 00:05:09,460 And we see it's in slash user slash bin which is here, there we go, slash user slash bin and we see 83 00:05:09,460 --> 00:05:10,870 the which command also runs as well. 84 00:05:10,870 --> 00:05:14,470 So that's how the shell knows where to find your commands. 85 00:05:14,800 --> 00:05:20,050 Now you can customise the way that commands work by giving them different options and different inputs. 86 00:05:20,050 --> 00:05:22,450 Let's go ahead and start with the inputs. 87 00:05:22,450 --> 00:05:27,280 So it's important to note that not all commands actually require inputs. 88 00:05:27,280 --> 00:05:28,870 Some inputs are optional. 89 00:05:28,990 --> 00:05:32,800 For example, the day command doesn't strictly require an input. 90 00:05:32,800 --> 00:05:36,190 You can just type date and be b be done with it. 91 00:05:36,580 --> 00:05:42,880 But most commands do require some form of input which can actually have a fancy name called an operand 92 00:05:43,330 --> 00:05:45,760 because commands operate on the input. 93 00:05:45,760 --> 00:05:48,160 The input is sometimes called an operand. 94 00:05:48,430 --> 00:05:54,310 So to give the command an input or an upper end, you simply type a space after the command name, then 95 00:05:54,310 --> 00:05:55,300 type the input. 96 00:05:55,870 --> 00:05:57,700 That's assuming you don't have any options. 97 00:05:57,700 --> 00:06:04,360 So for example, if we take the cow command, I could just type cow and press enter and I would get 98 00:06:05,050 --> 00:06:06,310 this month's calendar. 99 00:06:06,310 --> 00:06:08,710 But to customise the behaviour I can give it an input. 100 00:06:08,710 --> 00:06:15,940 So for example, if I want to get the calendar for the year 2017, I could type cow 2017 and if I press 101 00:06:15,940 --> 00:06:19,960 enter now I get a completely different input, a complete different output. 102 00:06:19,960 --> 00:06:22,960 Sorry, because I gave the command this input. 103 00:06:24,070 --> 00:06:25,930 You can also give more than one input. 104 00:06:25,930 --> 00:06:28,750 So let me clear the screen using control and l the nice shortcut. 105 00:06:29,110 --> 00:06:30,810 Sometimes you can give more than one input for. 106 00:06:31,030 --> 00:06:39,040 So for example I could type cow 12 2017 and for press enter you can see now that I get I've given command 107 00:06:39,070 --> 00:06:46,030 the cow command two inputs one being 12 which means the 12 month and the the next one being the year, 108 00:06:46,030 --> 00:06:47,110 which is 2017. 109 00:06:47,110 --> 00:06:51,850 So I've said here, can you give me the, the calendar for December 2017. 110 00:06:51,850 --> 00:06:52,540 Pretty cool, right. 111 00:06:52,540 --> 00:06:55,720 So we gave it two inputs and that also customise our output. 112 00:06:55,870 --> 00:06:59,470 So basically you can just give commands inputs. 113 00:06:59,480 --> 00:07:06,040 So like if I say echo when I say hello then echo then hello, sorry was the input to the echo command 114 00:07:06,070 --> 00:07:06,460 you see. 115 00:07:06,460 --> 00:07:07,510 So that's quite straightforward. 116 00:07:07,510 --> 00:07:11,770 All we did was type the command name, which the shell then found on the path and we gave that command 117 00:07:11,770 --> 00:07:13,450 that, that program some input. 118 00:07:13,780 --> 00:07:18,550 So now that we understand inputs, let's discuss options because this is where stuff gets really interesting. 119 00:07:19,000 --> 00:07:22,480 You've seen you've seen us use an option with the command as well. 120 00:07:22,480 --> 00:07:25,840 So the command we gave it the Y option before. 121 00:07:25,840 --> 00:07:26,160 Okay. 122 00:07:26,290 --> 00:07:31,900 So if I do it by default, the cal dash, we will show the current year's calendar. 123 00:07:33,190 --> 00:07:38,470 So we've managed we gave the command, the cal command an option which the Y option which you can see 124 00:07:38,470 --> 00:07:41,710 that has been preceded by this dash and that's common for commands. 125 00:07:41,710 --> 00:07:44,710 They tend to be preceded by by dashes and hyphens and things. 126 00:07:44,710 --> 00:07:49,690 So let's take a look at the date command to understand how options work even better. 127 00:07:50,140 --> 00:07:54,340 Date by default will show today's date in our current time zone. 128 00:07:54,340 --> 00:07:59,110 So if I just say date, it says here's the here's the date and time in the current time zone, which 129 00:07:59,110 --> 00:08:00,610 is apparently British summertime. 130 00:08:01,570 --> 00:08:02,080 Okay. 131 00:08:02,080 --> 00:08:03,190 So. 132 00:08:03,980 --> 00:08:08,120 To get the date in universal time such as UTC or Greenwich Mean Time. 133 00:08:08,120 --> 00:08:15,050 We can type date slash you and we can see now that the date the hour has gone back one because now we're 134 00:08:15,050 --> 00:08:18,380 in UTC rather than British summer time, which is currently an hour forward. 135 00:08:19,610 --> 00:08:22,370 So we gave the date command the U option. 136 00:08:22,370 --> 00:08:25,640 Now if we had other options to give the commands, we could list them right after one another. 137 00:08:25,640 --> 00:08:32,539 So for example, we could do date slash dash a, dash B, dash C, D, E, f, d, and this would give 138 00:08:32,539 --> 00:08:34,070 it these different options. 139 00:08:34,070 --> 00:08:38,480 So the A option, the B option, the C option, the D option, the E option, the F option, the G option. 140 00:08:38,929 --> 00:08:42,740 Or more simply, you could just do dash a, b, c, d, e, f, g. 141 00:08:43,549 --> 00:08:44,840 That's a nice shortcut. 142 00:08:44,840 --> 00:08:46,540 You can just stick them all together like that. 143 00:08:46,550 --> 00:08:49,370 Okay, now this specific example doesn't work. 144 00:08:49,370 --> 00:08:51,590 So if I try that, it will say invalid option. 145 00:08:52,250 --> 00:08:57,950 But it just illustrates the point that if you chain these options together, you can you can actually 146 00:08:57,950 --> 00:08:59,990 chain them together and the order doesn't really matter. 147 00:08:59,990 --> 00:09:07,700 So I could do date, uh, g g e f a and it would have exactly the same effect. 148 00:09:07,700 --> 00:09:08,260 Okay. 149 00:09:09,170 --> 00:09:09,800 All right, then. 150 00:09:09,800 --> 00:09:13,130 So now it can be sometimes be difficult to understand what these options mean. 151 00:09:13,130 --> 00:09:16,610 So sometimes options actually have long form names. 152 00:09:16,610 --> 00:09:23,360 So for example, date slash you dash u sorry, which gives us the date in universal time. 153 00:09:23,360 --> 00:09:29,480 You could also do date dash dash universal now longer and gives us the same output. 154 00:09:29,510 --> 00:09:34,340 Now universal long names are preceded by two dashes. 155 00:09:34,340 --> 00:09:36,860 So you see a dash, dash, universal. 156 00:09:36,980 --> 00:09:42,140 Whereas the short form options which are just one letter, are usually just preceded by one dash. 157 00:09:42,650 --> 00:09:47,630 Now the long form commands can make commands easier to read, but they're not available for all options. 158 00:09:47,630 --> 00:09:49,940 It really depends upon the command that you're using. 159 00:09:49,940 --> 00:09:55,790 And again, just notice the fact that I use two dashes for long forms and one dash for short form commands. 160 00:09:55,880 --> 00:09:59,900 Now, if you wanted to use, for example, three long form options, you would need to do something 161 00:09:59,900 --> 00:10:00,620 like this. 162 00:10:00,620 --> 00:10:03,320 So you'd have to do date dash, dash universal. 163 00:10:03,320 --> 00:10:08,570 That's one long form option, then dash, dash long form option two then dash dash long form option 164 00:10:08,570 --> 00:10:08,840 three. 165 00:10:08,840 --> 00:10:12,650 You can't really chain those together like you can with the short form options. 166 00:10:13,040 --> 00:10:14,720 So that's not going to work. 167 00:10:14,720 --> 00:10:20,450 But the short form options you can do date slash ABCD CFG, but with long form options, you kind of 168 00:10:20,450 --> 00:10:21,530 have to separate them. 169 00:10:21,980 --> 00:10:24,740 Uh, dash, dash universal dash dash. 170 00:10:24,740 --> 00:10:29,750 Long form option to and dash dash long form option three. 171 00:10:31,520 --> 00:10:35,540 Now it's important to note that everything on Linux, including commands, is case sensitive. 172 00:10:35,540 --> 00:10:40,910 So for example, the date command in lowercase is valid, so the one in lowercase is valid, but the 173 00:10:40,910 --> 00:10:44,360 date command like with a capital D would not be valid. 174 00:10:44,360 --> 00:10:47,780 The date command with like a capital A here, that would not be valid either. 175 00:10:48,110 --> 00:10:53,180 So you need to make sure that you spell your stuff correctly and with the right case sensitivity. 176 00:10:53,180 --> 00:10:55,760 And that goes for options and inputs too. 177 00:10:55,760 --> 00:10:57,500 So it's not just the name of the commands. 178 00:10:57,800 --> 00:11:03,440 The date command, for example, has a new option, but I don't think it has a capital view option C 179 00:11:03,440 --> 00:11:03,860 it doesn't. 180 00:11:03,860 --> 00:11:09,620 So I put a capital U and it didn't give me the universal output because it doesn't know that it has 181 00:11:09,620 --> 00:11:10,520 a capital U option. 182 00:11:10,520 --> 00:11:12,260 It only knows that it has a lowercase you option. 183 00:11:12,260 --> 00:11:16,640 So make sure that you spell your commands with the right case sensitivity. 184 00:11:17,930 --> 00:11:22,520 Now, the only other thing to know is that sometimes options can have their own inputs. 185 00:11:22,520 --> 00:11:25,070 So, for example, if we go to Kal, I'm going to clear the screen. 186 00:11:25,070 --> 00:11:30,950 If we go to Kal, we could see the calendar for December 2017 by giving it to inputs, right? 187 00:11:30,950 --> 00:11:32,360 KAL 12, 2017. 188 00:11:32,360 --> 00:11:37,010 Not options to inputs, but there is an option that will allow us to see a certain amount of months 189 00:11:37,010 --> 00:11:38,090 after that too. 190 00:11:38,090 --> 00:11:46,970 So for example, if I did, Kal gave it the capital a option, then wrote the number 112 2017. 191 00:11:47,660 --> 00:11:54,140 This will show December 2017 with one month after and the the a option gives you after. 192 00:11:54,140 --> 00:11:57,230 But it also needs to know how many months after. 193 00:11:57,230 --> 00:11:58,310 So I said one. 194 00:11:58,310 --> 00:12:05,270 So this one here is actually an input to the a option and then you've got the inputs for the command. 195 00:12:05,540 --> 00:12:06,070 Okay. 196 00:12:06,530 --> 00:12:08,030 You can also show a month before. 197 00:12:08,030 --> 00:12:17,600 So for example, Kal Dash be 112 2017 that will show us December 27 said 20th December 2017 with one 198 00:12:17,600 --> 00:12:19,040 month before it. 199 00:12:19,880 --> 00:12:21,350 And you actually also combine these together. 200 00:12:21,350 --> 00:12:26,570 So KAL one month after one month before of December 2017. 201 00:12:27,620 --> 00:12:33,170 So now you've got December 2017 with one month after, which is January 2018 and one month before November 202 00:12:33,170 --> 00:12:33,950 2017. 203 00:12:33,950 --> 00:12:39,050 So here you can see how you can actually provide options with their own inputs and how options are okay 204 00:12:39,050 --> 00:12:39,440 to use. 205 00:12:39,440 --> 00:12:42,290 When you give commands, it's own input so you can use. 206 00:12:42,590 --> 00:12:44,360 There's loads different ways to combine this stuff together. 207 00:12:44,360 --> 00:12:49,190 So here we have the A and B options with their own inputs, and the cow command has its own two inputs, 208 00:12:49,190 --> 00:12:52,220 12 and 27 and 12 and 2017. 209 00:12:52,310 --> 00:12:54,050 So this is starting to get a bit crazy, right? 210 00:12:54,050 --> 00:12:56,330 Like it's starting to get a bit advanced and a bit hairy. 211 00:12:56,330 --> 00:13:01,160 But this is just should just begin to highlight just how powerful Linux commands can actually become. 212 00:13:01,370 --> 00:13:03,140 And the only other thing you might need to know is. 213 00:13:03,260 --> 00:13:07,820 That some commands allow you to put an equal sign to match up those options with their appropriate inputs 214 00:13:07,820 --> 00:13:10,400 more explicitly to make stuff a bit easier to read. 215 00:13:10,430 --> 00:13:17,510 This doesn't work for Cal, but if it did, it would be something like Cal after equals one before equals 216 00:13:17,510 --> 00:13:19,370 112 and 2017. 217 00:13:19,370 --> 00:13:23,180 Now that doesn't work for Cal because its manual page doesn't let it happen. 218 00:13:23,210 --> 00:13:26,150 Um, so we only get 12 2017. 219 00:13:26,150 --> 00:13:29,960 That didn't quite work, but that's how it would work if it was possible for the Cal Command. 220 00:13:29,960 --> 00:13:34,340 And it might, you know, it might just make it a bit easier to read that the options are linked up 221 00:13:34,340 --> 00:13:36,200 with their appropriate inputs. 222 00:13:36,500 --> 00:13:42,080 If there were long form options, you would do something like cal dash dash before equals one, dash, 223 00:13:42,080 --> 00:13:45,590 dash after equals one and 12 2017. 224 00:13:45,590 --> 00:13:49,880 So here you've got long form options also being linked with their inputs. 225 00:13:51,140 --> 00:13:55,430 Again, that's not possible for the cow command specifically, but you can see how features like that, 226 00:13:55,760 --> 00:14:01,280 you know, joining up the inputs with the actual options can make commands easier to read. 227 00:14:02,410 --> 00:14:07,480 So in this admittedly rather in-depth video, you've learned that commands are basically broken up into 228 00:14:07,480 --> 00:14:08,690 three main parts. 229 00:14:08,710 --> 00:14:10,790 First, you've got the command name. 230 00:14:10,810 --> 00:14:14,650 Then you've got some options which are preceded by dashes and hyphens. 231 00:14:15,070 --> 00:14:18,070 And you've also then got some inputs for the command. 232 00:14:18,100 --> 00:14:23,110 Now the command name needs to match a program that is on the Shell's search path. 233 00:14:23,140 --> 00:14:27,580 Now, the path is just a piece of text that's stored in the shell that lists a bunch of folders that 234 00:14:27,580 --> 00:14:32,800 the shell will start searching from the left to the right, separating each folder with a colon, which 235 00:14:32,800 --> 00:14:34,180 is the two dots on top of each other. 236 00:14:34,180 --> 00:14:39,280 And if the shell finds an appropriate program, then that program will run and the shell will pass to 237 00:14:39,280 --> 00:14:43,240 that program any inputs that you have given it in the command. 238 00:14:43,690 --> 00:14:48,400 So you can also customize a commands behavior using options now. 239 00:14:48,430 --> 00:14:53,500 Options are usually just letters that are separated by hyphens. 240 00:14:53,500 --> 00:14:59,920 So a dash like you see at the very top of the summary slide here, you give each option a dash before 241 00:14:59,920 --> 00:15:03,200 it, or you can chain the little letters together in one go. 242 00:15:03,220 --> 00:15:09,460 The order does not matter, and sometimes they have long form versions which are need to dashes but 243 00:15:09,460 --> 00:15:11,230 allow you to use easier to read words. 244 00:15:11,230 --> 00:15:15,610 So instead of having dash you for the universal option, you can use dash dash universal. 245 00:15:16,030 --> 00:15:19,540 But that really depends on whether the command allows that to be possible. 246 00:15:19,540 --> 00:15:21,640 And each command is slightly different. 247 00:15:21,730 --> 00:15:27,040 And one thing that became very clear in this video is that each command behaves very differently to 248 00:15:27,040 --> 00:15:27,910 other commands. 249 00:15:27,910 --> 00:15:31,740 So, for example, some commands can take multiple inputs and others take none. 250 00:15:31,750 --> 00:15:34,690 Some can take long form options and others can't. 251 00:15:34,720 --> 00:15:39,620 Some can have an equal sign to match option inputs with their appropriate option, and others can't. 252 00:15:39,640 --> 00:15:45,490 So now that you understand the overarching command name, then options, then input structure that commands 253 00:15:45,490 --> 00:15:49,300 follow and the different ways of implementing that and the different options that you've got. 254 00:15:49,600 --> 00:15:54,870 How can you know what is possible for a specific command and how you use each specific command? 255 00:15:54,880 --> 00:15:59,610 Well, each command actually comes with their own manual page or main page for short. 256 00:15:59,620 --> 00:16:01,360 That shows you how to use them. 257 00:16:01,360 --> 00:16:05,620 And in the next video, I'm going to be showing you how to access and read the man pages. 258 00:16:05,620 --> 00:16:10,750 So just imagine having all the deets on a big catalog of computer programs just sat there waiting to 259 00:16:10,750 --> 00:16:11,560 be explored. 260 00:16:11,560 --> 00:16:16,510 Using the man pages is going to be a complete game changer for you if you want to become independent 261 00:16:16,510 --> 00:16:18,430 in the way that you use the Linux operating system. 262 00:16:18,430 --> 00:16:20,050 And I really can't wait to show it to you. 263 00:16:20,050 --> 00:16:23,410 So for that goodness, I'll see you in the next video.