1 00:00:00,240 --> 00:00:01,800 Hello there, you beautiful person. 2 00:00:01,830 --> 00:00:03,150 Well, well, well. 3 00:00:03,150 --> 00:00:06,240 You must be feeling super proud of yourself right now, right? 4 00:00:06,270 --> 00:00:08,820 You've come so far in this section of the course. 5 00:00:08,820 --> 00:00:13,440 So to fully celebrate that, I wanted to make a video and have a quick recap so that you can soak in 6 00:00:13,440 --> 00:00:16,920 all the awesome stuff you've learned in this section of the course. 7 00:00:16,920 --> 00:00:21,570 So you started off with the very basics and you learned how to open and close the terminal using graphical 8 00:00:21,570 --> 00:00:25,320 methods and by using our now beloved keyboard shortcuts. 9 00:00:25,320 --> 00:00:29,520 And it was all very strange to you at first, but you jumped right in anyway, and you started typing 10 00:00:29,520 --> 00:00:31,530 out and using your first commands. 11 00:00:31,530 --> 00:00:36,840 You saw the date command, the Cal Command, and the Echo Command, and you saw how to clear your terminal 12 00:00:36,840 --> 00:00:37,380 history. 13 00:00:37,380 --> 00:00:40,260 We don't want any spies looking at history after all, do we? 14 00:00:40,710 --> 00:00:44,910 Now, you were making progress, but it was all kind of weird, and you probably weren't too sure of 15 00:00:44,910 --> 00:00:47,190 what was actually going on when you ran a command. 16 00:00:47,190 --> 00:00:50,190 So then you learn the difference between the terminal and the shell. 17 00:00:50,190 --> 00:00:54,420 You know that the shell is what interprets the commands that you type, just like you interpret the 18 00:00:54,420 --> 00:00:59,370 meanings of words that you read and when you understood what commands actually were, you learn the 19 00:00:59,370 --> 00:01:04,319 general structure of a command, learning the commands, follow a command name, options, arguments, 20 00:01:04,319 --> 00:01:05,040 structure. 21 00:01:05,040 --> 00:01:11,070 Okay, now, because it became clear that although commands follow a similar structure, they do vary 22 00:01:11,070 --> 00:01:12,600 quite a bit in their usage. 23 00:01:12,600 --> 00:01:16,920 They each have their own specific options and use cases and it would be impossible to memorize them 24 00:01:16,920 --> 00:01:17,280 all. 25 00:01:17,280 --> 00:01:19,890 So you learned how to look in the Linux manual. 26 00:01:19,890 --> 00:01:24,390 You learned how the manual was broken up, and you saw how to search for terms and read the manual pages 27 00:01:24,390 --> 00:01:28,860 and how to learn new things for yourself and find things as and when you need them, rather than having 28 00:01:28,860 --> 00:01:29,910 to memorize everything. 29 00:01:29,910 --> 00:01:33,750 So it's like having your own personal search engine for your computer, which is pretty incredible in 30 00:01:33,750 --> 00:01:34,440 my opinion. 31 00:01:34,440 --> 00:01:39,360 Now then we took our discussion even deeper and you learn that commands can take input, a standard 32 00:01:39,360 --> 00:01:44,700 input and command line arguments, and they can give output via standard output and standard error data 33 00:01:44,700 --> 00:01:45,270 streams. 34 00:01:45,570 --> 00:01:50,340 So I had to redirect these data streams to wherever you wish and how to pipe together different commands 35 00:01:50,340 --> 00:01:57,180 to build powerful pipelines and how to use the T command and the x args command for extra pipeline flexibility. 36 00:01:57,180 --> 00:02:01,470 And this really is amazing how far you've come in such a short amount of time. 37 00:02:01,470 --> 00:02:03,690 So I wanted to make this video to congratulate you on your progress. 38 00:02:03,690 --> 00:02:06,210 So far, so well done, you little computer genius. 39 00:02:06,210 --> 00:02:10,110 You know, in the next section, you're going to learn about navigating the Linux file system, and 40 00:02:10,110 --> 00:02:13,230 you'll also learn some new building blocks to use in your pipelines. 41 00:02:13,230 --> 00:02:16,050 But before that, I have a project for you to complete. 42 00:02:16,080 --> 00:02:20,130 Now the project will challenge you to build your very own Linux command pipeline. 43 00:02:20,250 --> 00:02:24,090 It's going to be awesome, and it will serve as a badge of honor that you have learned everything that 44 00:02:24,090 --> 00:02:26,400 we've covered in this section so that you can feel confident. 45 00:02:26,400 --> 00:02:29,430 Moving on now, in the next video, I'm going to be giving you your project brief. 46 00:02:29,430 --> 00:02:31,140 So congratulations once again. 47 00:02:31,140 --> 00:02:32,700 You're doing amazingly. 48 00:02:32,700 --> 00:02:33,750 And I'll see you there.