0 1 00:00:08,550 --> 00:00:14,850 So now that we've created another activity let's see how we go from our original main activity into 1 2 00:00:14,850 --> 00:00:24,880 the display list items activity and also how can we pass data to this activity. Let's keep working with 2 3 00:00:24,880 --> 00:00:34,120 this event handler over here, so if you remember earlier we attach the event handler on click so let's 3 4 00:00:34,120 --> 00:00:38,480 comment the content out. To comment out, 4 5 00:00:38,500 --> 00:00:45,080 all you need to do is select the lines that you are working with press control and Slash. 5 6 00:00:45,080 --> 00:00:50,890 And this will automatically comment out the lines that you're working with let's start with writing 6 7 00:00:50,890 --> 00:00:51,240 code... 7 8 00:00:51,250 --> 00:00:53,390 Over here. 8 9 00:00:53,460 --> 00:01:00,240 So first jump to the new activity where you're going to use an Intent. Intent. 9 10 00:01:00,500 --> 00:01:04,830 I equals new intent. 10 11 00:01:04,880 --> 00:01:14,070 Don't worry about the red warnings for now pass the context and the class of the intent to jump to. Press 11 12 00:01:14,180 --> 00:01:22,530 Alt and Enter everywhere to fix the errors then we're going to get the text from the edit text like 12 13 00:01:22,530 --> 00:01:24,150 we did earlier. 13 14 00:01:24,210 --> 00:01:38,820 So let's do that define a string list item and call this E T dot get text convert this to string. 14 15 00:01:38,860 --> 00:01:41,970 Now we have our list item. 15 16 00:01:42,130 --> 00:01:48,460 Next we're going to pass the string to the new activity by using put extra to do this. 16 17 00:01:48,460 --> 00:01:55,080 We define a variable with the ID of the item to pass we define it as public. 17 18 00:01:55,080 --> 00:02:04,730 In order to access it from the other class then we just put the value, so put extra uses a sort of key 18 19 00:02:04,730 --> 00:02:14,640 value pair you pass the key then the value, once this is done we just start the activity by running start 19 20 00:02:14,640 --> 00:02:24,630 activity. OK now let's set up what happens when the new activity is opened, first thing is to obtain the 20 21 00:02:24,630 --> 00:02:30,960 string that was passed by the original activity, To do this, 21 22 00:02:30,970 --> 00:02:38,820 define a variable called intent and set it to get intent. 22 23 00:02:38,870 --> 00:02:41,390 Next we define a string. 23 24 00:02:41,420 --> 00:02:47,970 Call it item value then we get the string by writing intent. 24 25 00:02:48,190 --> 00:02:59,090 Dot get string extra and pass the ID by pointing to main activity dot extra item which is what we 25 26 00:02:59,090 --> 00:03:02,030 defined earlier. OK. 26 27 00:03:02,060 --> 00:03:13,870 Now let's go to the UI and let's drop a text to view change the idea to text view list item, now in the 27 28 00:03:13,870 --> 00:03:24,040 activity we can refer to the text to view like we did in the previous section so text view TV equals 28 29 00:03:24,670 --> 00:03:41,020 find view by ID, R dot ID dot text view list item then we will change the text of the text view by writing 29 30 00:03:41,680 --> 00:03:54,490 TV dot set text and pass the item value we obtained earlier. OK so let's run this now if we enter text 30 31 00:03:55,750 --> 00:04:03,400 click the button and as you can see we have a new activity opened and the content from the edit text 31 32 00:04:03,520 --> 00:04:07,170 was passed on to the new activity. 32 33 00:04:07,360 --> 00:04:13,090 Another thing we can do is add a back button in order to have the activity go to the previous activity, 33 34 00:04:14,210 --> 00:04:26,800 to do this we edit the manifest and add Android colon parent activity name equals dot main activity 34 35 00:04:28,580 --> 00:04:40,730 and in the metadata we need to add Android colon name equals Android dot support dot parent underscore 35 36 00:04:40,820 --> 00:04:51,520 activity and Android colon value equals dot main activity. 36 37 00:04:51,580 --> 00:05:02,090 Now when we run it again add text click the button and here you can see we have a back button in the 37 38 00:05:02,090 --> 00:05:05,990 activity which sends us back to the original activity.