1 00:00:00,480 --> 00:00:05,900 Today, we will talk about CAP and how we can use it for our penetration testing purposes. 2 00:00:07,380 --> 00:00:09,450 Netscape is hacker Swiss Army Knife. 3 00:00:09,810 --> 00:00:14,490 It's a very powerful tool and it has been used for testing and hacking for many years. 4 00:00:15,990 --> 00:00:22,170 One of the features that Netscape can offer is SportsCenter, which it will help us to check if a certain 5 00:00:22,170 --> 00:00:23,700 port is open or not. 6 00:00:24,930 --> 00:00:26,340 Let's see how we can do that. 7 00:00:28,020 --> 00:00:34,950 Let's type and see in our command line, followed by the dash and the argument, then the target IP 8 00:00:34,950 --> 00:00:38,220 address and finally the port we want to scan. 9 00:00:45,840 --> 00:00:50,430 From the result, we can see the port 80 of the Apache two is open. 10 00:00:52,080 --> 00:00:58,380 We can also use Netcare to listen on a certain port and then we can establish a connection on that port 11 00:00:58,380 --> 00:00:59,990 from a different operating system. 12 00:01:02,040 --> 00:01:05,200 Let's use Ngarkat has a server on our colonics. 13 00:01:05,210 --> 00:01:08,610 We don't listen to one to one port, four four four four. 14 00:01:21,230 --> 00:01:28,820 The dash an option is to disable DNS name resolution, the dash URL to create a listener, the dashboard 15 00:01:28,830 --> 00:01:34,520 is to add some verbosity to our output and finally, the dash is to specify a list. 16 00:01:34,520 --> 00:01:42,950 Newport now our Nic cat is listening on PT. four four four four and waiting for incoming connection. 17 00:01:44,660 --> 00:01:47,300 Let's open another terminal window and connect to it. 18 00:01:58,320 --> 00:02:02,610 Now, let's use this as a chat server and exchange some messages. 19 00:02:24,360 --> 00:02:31,200 We can also use Netcare to send and receive files, we will use our colonics as a server and we will 20 00:02:31,200 --> 00:02:33,870 try to send a file to it using maquilas. 21 00:02:53,760 --> 00:02:57,450 We are using out with redirection here to save the received file. 22 00:03:15,730 --> 00:03:22,690 From the Mako's terminal, we will send the file using input redirection with the list than sign. 23 00:03:27,600 --> 00:03:35,040 Nice, we were able to transfer to set up that file to our meetings, let's verify that by checking 24 00:03:35,040 --> 00:03:36,570 the file size on our Kelly. 25 00:03:53,370 --> 00:03:54,180 It looks good. 26 00:03:56,370 --> 00:04:02,640 Now let's take a look at one of the most interesting features of Ngarkat, and it's called remote administration. 27 00:04:04,230 --> 00:04:10,680 Netcare has the ability to redirect commands using the Dashty option, which it will execute a certain 28 00:04:10,680 --> 00:04:13,470 program after a successful connection with our target. 29 00:04:14,970 --> 00:04:16,130 Let's take an example. 30 00:04:17,730 --> 00:04:24,870 We will use Nic, Catherine Arkley, Alison and PT. four four four four, and then we will use the dashi 31 00:04:24,870 --> 00:04:29,040 option to execute the bin based upon successful connection. 32 00:04:34,940 --> 00:04:40,160 Now, up from our Mako's, we will connect to our Nick at the same way we did before. 33 00:04:51,450 --> 00:04:56,160 Let's try to execute some commands now, like who am I or I have config. 34 00:05:04,350 --> 00:05:09,590 Nice, it looks like we, again, remote access to our Kelly using Ngarkat. 35 00:05:10,980 --> 00:05:16,710 Keep in mind that not whole operating system that come loaded with medical support, the Dashty option 36 00:05:17,580 --> 00:05:20,580 depends on how the cath was compiled in the first place. 37 00:05:21,990 --> 00:05:28,200 And most cases, we won't be able to accomplish this example since the target might be behind net or 38 00:05:28,200 --> 00:05:30,540 network address translation. 39 00:05:31,590 --> 00:05:37,950 Or it could be also protected with a firewall that blocks all incoming connections to a certain port. 40 00:05:39,030 --> 00:05:43,530 But we can still initiate connection from our target straight to us through Ngarkat. 41 00:05:43,530 --> 00:05:50,940 And that's called reverse cell connection, which usually firewalls do not block outgoing traffic to. 42 00:05:50,940 --> 00:05:54,270 Depends on how you configured your firewall in the first place. 43 00:05:56,250 --> 00:06:03,390 Let's try now to use Netcare to listen for incoming connections on our Mac OS as the attacker operating 44 00:06:03,390 --> 00:06:08,040 system and then send reverse Shell connection from our Kelli. 45 00:06:20,300 --> 00:06:24,680 Now we switch to our calculators and send a reverse shell to the maquilas. 46 00:06:51,040 --> 00:06:54,220 Let's try who am I again, I can pick. 47 00:07:02,040 --> 00:07:02,560 Nice. 48 00:07:03,390 --> 00:07:05,470 Looks like we were able to send your version. 49 00:07:07,530 --> 00:07:09,290 We have reached the end of this lesson. 50 00:07:09,720 --> 00:07:10,310 Thank you. 51 00:07:10,320 --> 00:07:11,280 And soon the next one.