1 00:00:00,110 --> 00:00:06,140 In this video, we are going to see how we can install dam vulnerable web application on Kali Linux. 2 00:00:07,980 --> 00:00:14,130 Dvwa or dam vulnerable Web application Is a web application intentionally designed to be vulnerable 3 00:00:14,160 --> 00:00:16,050 to various security vulnerabilities. 4 00:00:16,560 --> 00:00:22,290 It is often used as training and learning tool to learn about web application security and for testing 5 00:00:22,290 --> 00:00:25,170 the effectiveness of web application security tools. 6 00:00:26,090 --> 00:00:33,290 DVD contains several types of vulnerabilities, including SQL injection, file inclusion, cross-site 7 00:00:33,290 --> 00:00:37,340 request forgery, insecure, direct object reference, and many more. 8 00:00:38,230 --> 00:00:44,530 Now you should be on Kali Linux or Parrot OS in VMware VirtualBox or running natively on your PC. 9 00:00:47,060 --> 00:00:53,460 So in step one, we can simply install dvwa in an automated manner with kali repositories. 10 00:00:53,480 --> 00:00:59,360 Just use the command sudo apt install dvwa and Kali will automatically install it. 11 00:01:00,250 --> 00:01:02,200 Once installed. 12 00:01:02,380 --> 00:01:05,370 You can use the command Dvwa Dash dot. 13 00:01:07,200 --> 00:01:13,800 Now use the default credentials which are admin and password to log in to the web interface. 14 00:01:13,950 --> 00:01:15,540 A setup page will open. 15 00:01:15,750 --> 00:01:21,000 Scroll down and click on create Reset the database and your setup will complete. 16 00:01:21,900 --> 00:01:25,530 Now you can access Dvwa and start your weapon testing. 17 00:01:25,560 --> 00:01:29,100 Once done, you can stop Dvwa with the following command. 18 00:01:29,130 --> 00:01:30,840 Dvwa Stop. 19 00:01:30,870 --> 00:01:33,270 Now let's practically install Dvwa. 20 00:01:33,990 --> 00:01:35,940 So back on your Kali Linux. 21 00:01:35,970 --> 00:01:37,560 Open a new terminal. 22 00:01:38,850 --> 00:01:42,540 And use the command sudo apt install dvwa. 23 00:01:45,810 --> 00:01:47,460 It will ask for your password. 24 00:01:48,440 --> 00:01:52,000 And it will automatically start installing Dvwa. 25 00:01:59,020 --> 00:02:00,040 Once installed. 26 00:02:00,040 --> 00:02:02,290 Use the command dash start. 27 00:02:04,800 --> 00:02:06,450 We will ask for your password again. 28 00:02:08,000 --> 00:02:09,800 Just use the default credentials. 29 00:02:13,690 --> 00:02:15,250 A login page will appear. 30 00:02:15,760 --> 00:02:18,190 Just use the default credentials to log in. 31 00:02:23,700 --> 00:02:26,070 Now click on Create Reset Database. 32 00:02:32,460 --> 00:02:34,620 Now all configurations will be completed. 33 00:02:35,960 --> 00:02:37,970 And the login page will appear again. 34 00:02:41,550 --> 00:02:43,590 Use the same credentials as before. 35 00:02:45,620 --> 00:02:51,920 And you have successfully installed in an automated manner on Kali Linux with very few commands. 36 00:02:54,720 --> 00:02:58,590 On the left hand side, you can see different types of attacks that you can practice. 37 00:02:58,980 --> 00:03:02,670 You can change the security levels from security. 38 00:03:04,070 --> 00:03:07,940 Which are available in low, medium, high and impossible categories. 39 00:03:12,890 --> 00:03:14,600 You can check the instruction manual. 40 00:03:16,850 --> 00:03:21,920 And once you are done weapon testing, you can stop it with desktop command.