1 00:00:00,120 --> 00:00:05,670 Before we dive into this course I want to talk about a day in the life of an ethical hacker. 2 00:00:06,000 --> 00:00:13,380 And I want to talk about why I love ethical hacking or penetration testing and what I do on a day to 3 00:00:13,380 --> 00:00:14,130 day basis. 4 00:00:14,130 --> 00:00:20,400 What kind of engagements you might find yourself in as an ethical hacker and then the soft skills and 5 00:00:20,400 --> 00:00:21,180 technical skills. 6 00:00:21,180 --> 00:00:24,990 I think that you should have in order to be successful in this field. 7 00:00:25,260 --> 00:00:30,260 So let's go ahead and first look at why pin testing so why pen testing why for me. 8 00:00:30,270 --> 00:00:32,310 Well I work from home. 9 00:00:32,820 --> 00:00:36,560 I roll out of bed at like 750 5:00 in the morning. 10 00:00:36,630 --> 00:00:40,370 I'll get my coffee ready I'll go to my desk I'll make it there by 8:00. 11 00:00:40,770 --> 00:00:43,280 And I am ready to go. 12 00:00:43,290 --> 00:00:45,030 I don't have to sit in traffic. 13 00:00:45,090 --> 00:00:46,340 I'll have to drive to work. 14 00:00:46,350 --> 00:00:50,540 I you know I save so much time out of my life just by working from home. 15 00:00:50,550 --> 00:00:51,780 It's a great luxury. 16 00:00:51,780 --> 00:00:52,920 I love the lifestyle. 17 00:00:52,920 --> 00:00:58,800 It's not for everybody but a lot of penetration testing nowadays is working from home. 18 00:00:58,800 --> 00:01:04,710 And another great thing about pen testing is that the salaries are incredibly high. 19 00:01:04,710 --> 00:01:12,290 My first job in the field was over six figures meaning over one hundred thousand dollars in this field. 20 00:01:12,480 --> 00:01:16,590 As a you know first year pen tester. 21 00:01:16,590 --> 00:01:24,870 So it's incredible money and it it's very lucrative moving up anywhere from senior pen tester to make 22 00:01:24,870 --> 00:01:26,810 one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. 23 00:01:26,880 --> 00:01:30,890 A manager can make somewhere around one hundred and seventy to two hundred thousand dollars. 24 00:01:30,960 --> 00:01:32,270 And really the sky's the limit. 25 00:01:32,300 --> 00:01:39,060 Especially if you go out and you do your own business or your own consulting the salaries are very very 26 00:01:39,060 --> 00:01:41,550 high because this is a very technical field. 27 00:01:41,970 --> 00:01:48,720 And there there is a job shortage of people shortage right now we need we have more jobs and we have 28 00:01:48,720 --> 00:01:52,260 people so that relates to high salaries as well. 29 00:01:52,500 --> 00:01:54,290 On top of that the benefits are great. 30 00:01:54,300 --> 00:01:55,850 The work life balance is great. 31 00:01:55,860 --> 00:01:57,980 Again this boils down to where you work. 32 00:01:58,050 --> 00:02:03,600 But for me personally you know I'm working 40 hour weeks. 33 00:02:03,600 --> 00:02:10,830 My benefits are are have been fantastic through and through and I just I love the lifestyle right. 34 00:02:10,860 --> 00:02:16,540 That work from home that 40 hours a week I was an accountant before I got into penetration testing. 35 00:02:16,740 --> 00:02:20,810 And let me tell you I was working 60 hours a week 70 hour weeks. 36 00:02:20,820 --> 00:02:26,340 I was in the office all the time and I was you know I was going in when it was dark and I was coming 37 00:02:26,340 --> 00:02:32,160 home when it was dark and it just you know can easily lead to depression doing that. 38 00:02:32,160 --> 00:02:36,300 I've not experienced any of that and penetration testing and I'm really really happy for it. 39 00:02:36,660 --> 00:02:39,960 So on top of all this it is mentally stimulating. 40 00:02:39,960 --> 00:02:45,780 This is one of the best fields I am what I consider a lifelong learner. 41 00:02:45,810 --> 00:02:47,920 I like to learn. 42 00:02:47,960 --> 00:02:50,780 I am nonstop learning right and I have that personality type. 43 00:02:50,790 --> 00:02:56,730 And you're going to find that if you enjoy this field it's never going to feel like work to you. 44 00:02:56,730 --> 00:03:03,090 I could sit here and I can pen tests for 80 hours and it never feels like work to me it is just mentally 45 00:03:03,090 --> 00:03:04,110 stimulating. 46 00:03:04,170 --> 00:03:05,190 It's a puzzle. 47 00:03:05,190 --> 00:03:06,650 There's always something new to learn. 48 00:03:06,660 --> 00:03:10,460 There's always a new attack out and there's always a new defense out as well. 49 00:03:10,470 --> 00:03:16,890 So somebody is always trying to block your attacks and it's this cat and mouse game and if you do not 50 00:03:16,890 --> 00:03:21,360 stay up to date or on top of things you're going to get left behind. 51 00:03:21,360 --> 00:03:26,790 So you have to have that mentality in this field where you're always willing to learn and you like learning 52 00:03:27,210 --> 00:03:29,540 and that's really like for me. 53 00:03:29,550 --> 00:03:33,120 That's a positive to pen testing because I enjoy that. 54 00:03:33,120 --> 00:03:36,550 And lastly of course it's legal breaking and entering. 55 00:03:36,570 --> 00:03:37,590 Who doesn't like that. 56 00:03:37,590 --> 00:03:38,970 I get to break into buildings. 57 00:03:38,970 --> 00:03:43,400 I get to break into Web sites into networks and people pay me to do it. 58 00:03:43,410 --> 00:03:46,670 I cannot believe that this is a job when I first heard about it. 59 00:03:46,680 --> 00:03:48,690 I was like No way hackers. 60 00:03:48,690 --> 00:03:50,240 Hackers are bad guys right. 61 00:03:50,250 --> 00:03:55,470 But hackers can be good guys too and we can get paid very lucrative salaries. 62 00:03:55,470 --> 00:03:56,070 So from here. 63 00:03:56,070 --> 00:04:00,690 Let's talk about a day to day life style. 64 00:04:00,690 --> 00:04:04,940 So day to day here what's guaranteed most. 65 00:04:04,970 --> 00:04:07,790 It basically should be guaranteed is that I roll out of bed. 66 00:04:07,800 --> 00:04:14,520 I'm still relatively young and I have several different types of assessments that I can do in this really 67 00:04:14,520 --> 00:04:15,240 isn't all of them. 68 00:04:15,240 --> 00:04:18,060 But this is the ones that I do the most. 69 00:04:18,060 --> 00:04:24,570 Now I have what is an external or internal network assessment and we're gonna cover those quite a bit 70 00:04:24,570 --> 00:04:29,790 in this course but when we're talking external network assessment that means that I'm evaluating a network 71 00:04:29,820 --> 00:04:35,810 from the outside I could be I could be in China I can be United States I could be in Russia. 72 00:04:35,820 --> 00:04:37,970 It doesn't matter where I'm attacking from right. 73 00:04:37,980 --> 00:04:42,330 I could be in any country at any time attacking this network. 74 00:04:42,360 --> 00:04:47,080 So I'm on the outside looking in the internal is different. 75 00:04:47,160 --> 00:04:50,510 We assume at this point that we have breached the network. 76 00:04:50,580 --> 00:04:51,940 We have a dropbox. 77 00:04:51,980 --> 00:04:54,540 We've got some sort of code execution on their network. 78 00:04:54,540 --> 00:04:56,430 We logged into their VPN. 79 00:04:56,430 --> 00:04:57,300 It doesn't matter. 80 00:04:57,300 --> 00:05:00,080 Somehow some way we're on that network. 81 00:05:00,120 --> 00:05:05,520 What can we do once we're inside the network and what that means is we're going to be talking a lot 82 00:05:05,520 --> 00:05:09,310 about Active Directory pen testing and that's really what it corresponds to. 83 00:05:09,420 --> 00:05:15,510 And this course is going to hit very very heavy on Active Directory because of this and this. 84 00:05:15,570 --> 00:05:21,930 So you have two different types of network pen test and they the methodology is very similar the attacks 85 00:05:21,960 --> 00:05:24,480 in tool sets are very different. 86 00:05:24,480 --> 00:05:29,580 So they can almost be split apart into their own subsections but you will have external pen tests internal 87 00:05:29,580 --> 00:05:31,800 pen tests on the network side. 88 00:05:31,800 --> 00:05:34,770 You may be asked to do web application penetration testing. 89 00:05:35,100 --> 00:05:38,610 So that is assessing a Web site right. 90 00:05:38,670 --> 00:05:43,800 You have a Web site or an application that is given to you and you want to see if you can break that 91 00:05:43,800 --> 00:05:48,900 Web site if you can log in as an administrator or get somewhere that you you shouldn't be able to get 92 00:05:48,900 --> 00:05:52,850 to and you just want to evaluate the security posture of that Web site. 93 00:05:52,860 --> 00:05:56,000 So there are a lot of tools and methodologies out there for that. 94 00:05:56,010 --> 00:06:00,840 And we're gonna cover the top 10 in this course when we talk about that which is big when it comes to 95 00:06:01,080 --> 00:06:03,120 testing web applications. 96 00:06:03,120 --> 00:06:09,960 So from there we also have what is called wireless penetration testing that is the evaluation of a wireless 97 00:06:10,050 --> 00:06:10,910 network. 98 00:06:10,950 --> 00:06:14,560 So we'll go on site we'll try to hack into the wireless. 99 00:06:14,610 --> 00:06:18,560 We'll look at the guest network and see if there's any segmentation or not. 100 00:06:18,600 --> 00:06:24,450 Should a guest be able to sign in and access the same network that somebody who is a logged in as an 101 00:06:24,450 --> 00:06:26,100 employee should access. 102 00:06:26,100 --> 00:06:27,140 The answer is No. 103 00:06:27,210 --> 00:06:28,760 But it happens quite a bit. 104 00:06:28,770 --> 00:06:34,730 We'll also look for rogue devices and see you know what might be out there that is interesting to us. 105 00:06:34,770 --> 00:06:40,130 We'll we'll talk more about all these different assessments when we get into their respective sections. 106 00:06:40,130 --> 00:06:45,260 Now there's also what is called physical or social or phishing. 107 00:06:45,270 --> 00:06:49,050 There are three different types but they fall into social engineering. 108 00:06:49,050 --> 00:06:53,670 Now physical assessment is where you go onsite and you try to break into a building. 109 00:06:53,760 --> 00:06:59,220 You have a destination in mind maybe it's a server closet or you know some some critical location the 110 00:06:59,220 --> 00:07:01,350 building that they don't want you to get into. 111 00:07:01,440 --> 00:07:03,830 This could involve picking locks. 112 00:07:03,840 --> 00:07:10,650 Social engineering a lot of the time cloning badges you know in just making your way into this building 113 00:07:10,770 --> 00:07:13,470 through whatever methodology you can. 114 00:07:13,470 --> 00:07:18,300 Now social engineering in fishing those are kind of hand-in-hand. 115 00:07:18,300 --> 00:07:23,250 You'll do a fishing campaign or social engineering campaign or even a fishing where you're calling on 116 00:07:23,250 --> 00:07:27,840 the phone and you're trying to get information and you're just after you know what kind of credentials 117 00:07:27,840 --> 00:07:30,780 can I get who clicks on my links. 118 00:07:30,780 --> 00:07:32,440 What kind of passwords do I get. 119 00:07:32,550 --> 00:07:37,610 Etc. We also have what is called sock assessment. 120 00:07:37,610 --> 00:07:43,550 So a sock isthmus assessment is also known as purple teaming and purple teaming is when you combine 121 00:07:43,610 --> 00:07:44,760 red and blue. 122 00:07:44,780 --> 00:07:52,850 So as a penetration tester or ethical hacker you're often known as a red and a defender is often known 123 00:07:52,880 --> 00:07:53,940 as blue. 124 00:07:54,020 --> 00:07:56,410 So you combine those and that makes purple. 125 00:07:56,600 --> 00:08:01,970 And what that means is we'll sit down with a blue team as an offensive team we'll sit down with the 126 00:08:01,970 --> 00:08:07,580 blue team and we'll say Hey what attacks do you want us to try to run or we're going to run these attacks. 127 00:08:07,580 --> 00:08:12,170 And I want to know if you pick it up so I might run a specific tack and see if the Blue Team detects 128 00:08:12,170 --> 00:08:12,280 it. 129 00:08:12,320 --> 00:08:16,850 I might go plug into their network and see if it prevents me from plugging into the network. 130 00:08:16,850 --> 00:08:18,500 Do they get an alert on that. 131 00:08:18,500 --> 00:08:20,500 If not how can we help them. 132 00:08:20,510 --> 00:08:22,730 Baseline this attack to get this alert. 133 00:08:23,060 --> 00:08:28,310 So I think purple teaming assessments are some of the best assessments that are out there because not 134 00:08:28,310 --> 00:08:33,530 only do they learn from you and what attacks are out there but you learn from them on how to defend 135 00:08:33,830 --> 00:08:38,780 against these and how to bypass these two because maybe your first attempt does get blocked and you're 136 00:08:38,780 --> 00:08:42,670 like hey maybe I should you know run a different attack and see if you catch that. 137 00:08:42,830 --> 00:08:46,010 And it's a great way to have that cat and mouse game again. 138 00:08:46,820 --> 00:08:50,860 So once we do these types of assessments we have to write a report. 139 00:08:50,870 --> 00:08:57,560 We have to report back on what we saw and tell the client about it and I put a little sad face there 140 00:08:57,590 --> 00:09:02,200 because you know not everybody likes writing reports but it is absolutely part of the job. 141 00:09:02,210 --> 00:09:06,230 You have to be well written in this field to be successful. 142 00:09:06,230 --> 00:09:12,050 So you know you write this report and you're going to have to present this report to a client and that's 143 00:09:12,050 --> 00:09:17,390 what is the debrief now debrief is where you take the report and you give it to a client and you walk 144 00:09:17,390 --> 00:09:22,940 through it with the client and say Here's what's wrong here's why it's wrong and here's how we can fix 145 00:09:22,940 --> 00:09:25,640 that for you or here's how you can fix that. 146 00:09:25,640 --> 00:09:26,410 Right. 147 00:09:26,420 --> 00:09:32,720 And so you have to have this technical skill set as a penetration tester and you have to have this well 148 00:09:32,720 --> 00:09:37,580 written skill set you have to be able to write well you also to be able to talk in front of people when 149 00:09:37,580 --> 00:09:40,390 it comes to doing debriefs and talk to people. 150 00:09:40,400 --> 00:09:44,990 That doesn't mean you have to be an extrovert by any means you can be an introvert. 151 00:09:44,990 --> 00:09:50,680 I am very introverted but you have to be able put that personality on when you're on site. 152 00:09:50,680 --> 00:09:54,670 Same thing with the physicals by the way if you're on site for a physical. 153 00:09:54,670 --> 00:09:57,850 You do not have to be an extrovert to be successful. 154 00:09:57,860 --> 00:10:04,160 I know plenty of good physical pen testers that are actually introverts and do just fine as long as 155 00:10:04,160 --> 00:10:08,260 you're able to get into that mindset for that temporary time period. 156 00:10:08,330 --> 00:10:12,840 So anywhere from all these different assessments that you could end up doing at any given time you'd 157 00:10:12,860 --> 00:10:18,050 be well-rounded there you're gonna be writing reports you're going to be presenting reports to clients 158 00:10:18,990 --> 00:10:25,140 now let's talk about the technical skills that you are going to need and our course here is going to 159 00:10:25,140 --> 00:10:26,980 cover a lot of these. 160 00:10:27,060 --> 00:10:33,400 So at a base level you really do need to know Linux preferably Cally Linux or what. 161 00:10:33,510 --> 00:10:35,610 Another type is called Parrot. 162 00:10:35,610 --> 00:10:40,800 There is networking that you should know you should be familiar with the LSI model certain protocols 163 00:10:40,800 --> 00:10:50,430 like DCP UDP HDP etc. You should have good scripting skills whether it be python scripting or bash scripting 164 00:10:50,730 --> 00:10:55,080 et cetera there and you should have a solid hacking methodology. 165 00:10:55,080 --> 00:10:58,850 And this is all what we would want as a base for an interview. 166 00:10:58,860 --> 00:11:04,530 You should have also tool familiarity right Metis polite burp sweet ness is if all this sounds like 167 00:11:04,530 --> 00:11:07,140 a foreign language to you that's fine. 168 00:11:07,140 --> 00:11:09,150 Come back and watch this video again. 169 00:11:09,150 --> 00:11:13,500 Once you've gone through the whole course and it's going to all click for you you're gonna say Hey I 170 00:11:13,500 --> 00:11:14,680 know a lot of this. 171 00:11:14,790 --> 00:11:18,560 And on the preferred side active directory is huge. 172 00:11:18,560 --> 00:11:23,670 If you know actor directory you're going to be ahead of the game most people and I interviewed them. 173 00:11:23,670 --> 00:11:26,520 They have a good base but they don't have that good preferred site. 174 00:11:26,520 --> 00:11:29,010 And we like we like the preferred column a lot. 175 00:11:29,040 --> 00:11:29,650 OK. 176 00:11:30,240 --> 00:11:37,440 So active directory super important wireless attacks important to know the last top 10 also important 177 00:11:37,440 --> 00:11:42,830 to know that is related to web application penetration testing and lastly coding skills. 178 00:11:42,840 --> 00:11:49,380 So scripting and coding a little bit different scripting is what you'll be using primarily coding. 179 00:11:49,380 --> 00:11:52,400 You don't have to be a coder to be successful in this field at all. 180 00:11:52,400 --> 00:11:58,040 By the way if you only script for the rest of your life in this field you'll still find plenty of success. 181 00:11:58,080 --> 00:12:03,600 However you can code new tools things you know contribute to the community with it. 182 00:12:03,660 --> 00:12:09,900 We'll talk about that here in a second as well but just know that the base is possibly potentially can 183 00:12:09,900 --> 00:12:11,910 get you into a job to preferred. 184 00:12:11,900 --> 00:12:16,470 We'll definitely get you into a job if you have strong knowledge on that side. 185 00:12:16,470 --> 00:12:24,590 Along with the base knowledge lastly something that is not covered much is these soft skills that you 186 00:12:24,590 --> 00:12:25,980 need to be a pen tester. 187 00:12:26,000 --> 00:12:30,880 So yeah it's great to be technical and we already talked about the social people skills right. 188 00:12:30,890 --> 00:12:32,600 Because you're gonna be doing that debriefing. 189 00:12:32,600 --> 00:12:38,810 You might be doing social engineering etc. and you're going to have to have that well written ability 190 00:12:38,810 --> 00:12:39,620 to you as well. 191 00:12:39,650 --> 00:12:41,660 But let's talk about some these other ones. 192 00:12:41,750 --> 00:12:44,100 You need a strong desire to learn. 193 00:12:44,240 --> 00:12:48,710 You should be the type of person that personality type that always wants to learn. 194 00:12:48,710 --> 00:12:55,160 We talked about it right where you should be the guy or girl that wants to go home and study and you 195 00:12:55,160 --> 00:13:01,310 find this fascinating in you that desire to learn is going to benefit you because of that cat and mouse 196 00:13:01,310 --> 00:13:08,350 game because you know something that you knew yesterday might not be an exploit today. 197 00:13:08,480 --> 00:13:12,500 You know patches are coming out all the time and you have to stay ahead of the game because of this 198 00:13:12,500 --> 00:13:13,240 cat and mouse game. 199 00:13:13,250 --> 00:13:19,400 So that strong desire to learn super important if you do not stick up with your studies you're gonna 200 00:13:19,430 --> 00:13:25,340 get left behind and most people have this desire to be in the field of ethical hacking because they 201 00:13:25,340 --> 00:13:26,590 think it's sexy. 202 00:13:26,600 --> 00:13:33,230 It sounds cool and is cool but if you do not have that desire to learn you do not have that that perseverance 203 00:13:33,230 --> 00:13:36,980 which are going to talk about you're going to get left behind in this field and you're not going to 204 00:13:36,980 --> 00:13:38,260 be successful. 205 00:13:38,330 --> 00:13:40,870 So let's move over to perseverance. 206 00:13:40,940 --> 00:13:46,890 You have to have this perseverance mindset now which is that desire to learn but also that ability to 207 00:13:46,910 --> 00:13:52,130 not give up because the answer is not always there in front of you and you're going to see this as we 208 00:13:52,130 --> 00:13:58,220 go through the course is not cut and dry it's not hey I scan for this I see an exploit I go exploit 209 00:13:58,220 --> 00:14:03,770 it you might have to do a lot of research it might look like the machine that you're attacking it has 210 00:14:03,770 --> 00:14:09,860 no exploits available to it and you have to be able to put in that persistence to be able to persevere 211 00:14:10,100 --> 00:14:14,810 you have to have that mindset where I'm not going to give up I'm going to keep trying at this until 212 00:14:14,810 --> 00:14:17,910 I have exhausted all my potential resources. 213 00:14:18,020 --> 00:14:20,190 That is what makes a good hacker. 214 00:14:20,250 --> 00:14:25,540 OK that that mindset of I'm not going to quit really makes a good hacker. 215 00:14:25,730 --> 00:14:31,990 Now on top of that non complacency this kind of falls into that strong desire to learn. 216 00:14:32,030 --> 00:14:38,180 Now I've had coworkers that are completely happy when I was working helpdesk when I was working in networking. 217 00:14:38,360 --> 00:14:40,570 Plenty of co-workers who were happy with their jobs. 218 00:14:40,580 --> 00:14:43,750 They've been in the same position for five years 10 years. 219 00:14:43,760 --> 00:14:48,350 You cannot be that person if you want to be a pen tester you always want to learn more. 220 00:14:48,350 --> 00:14:52,510 You always want to move up you want and you want the most out of yourself. 221 00:14:52,520 --> 00:14:56,820 OK don't be complacent if you're complacent you're gonna get left behind. 222 00:14:56,990 --> 00:14:59,310 Just beating a dead horse here. 223 00:14:59,420 --> 00:15:04,010 It really is true that you're going to get left behind if you're not constantly studying and if you 224 00:15:04,010 --> 00:15:05,660 stay complacent. 225 00:15:05,720 --> 00:15:13,760 Lastly you should have a blog or Twitter or get hub or something that you contribute back to the community 226 00:15:13,770 --> 00:15:18,280 where it could be a YouTube channel or Twitter stream or however you want to do it right. 227 00:15:18,320 --> 00:15:22,880 You should give back to the community when I see that somebody is giving back to the community on their 228 00:15:22,890 --> 00:15:26,570 resumé even if it's a blog post or Twitter whatever. 229 00:15:26,600 --> 00:15:32,630 It really helps in things that are going to ask and interview include where you get your news from or 230 00:15:32,630 --> 00:15:37,340 in how do you you know do you have a blog you're gonna be asked that you know and Twitter is a great 231 00:15:37,340 --> 00:15:40,990 place to get get news and blogs. 232 00:15:41,000 --> 00:15:42,610 Great place to give back. 233 00:15:42,740 --> 00:15:44,840 And Twitter is a great place to get back to. 234 00:15:44,870 --> 00:15:47,430 So make sure you're contributing to your community. 235 00:15:47,450 --> 00:15:49,400 It will really help you in the long run. 236 00:15:49,400 --> 00:15:51,140 And you don't have to reinvent the wheel. 237 00:15:51,140 --> 00:15:56,870 It could be a blog that somebody has posted before or 20 people post to be for as long as you're posting 238 00:15:56,870 --> 00:16:01,640 it and it helps you learn and it helps your style might be something that helps somebody else learn 239 00:16:01,640 --> 00:16:06,920 as well compared to the other blog posts where maybe people don't like that writing style or they don't 240 00:16:06,920 --> 00:16:09,680 like that commentary or however it is. 241 00:16:09,680 --> 00:16:13,570 So you never know how your content is going to help somebody else. 242 00:16:13,570 --> 00:16:19,520 I always encourage people to go out there and make their own content so that's it. 243 00:16:19,550 --> 00:16:24,620 And I know this is a long video this is going to be longer than most the videos that I wanted to dive 244 00:16:24,620 --> 00:16:30,770 in and really cover what you can expect as an ethical hacker and what you need really at a technical 245 00:16:30,830 --> 00:16:33,800 and a soft skill level to be successful. 246 00:16:33,800 --> 00:16:37,040 So from here we're going to go ahead and get right into the course. 247 00:16:37,040 --> 00:16:39,610 Next up is effective no keeping. 248 00:16:39,710 --> 00:16:43,220 We're going to talk about the importance of keeping what tools you should use to be keeping notes through 249 00:16:43,220 --> 00:16:43,750 this course. 250 00:16:43,750 --> 00:16:48,380 And we're going to dive right into the technical concepts so I'll catch you over in the next video.