1 00:00:00,090 --> 00:00:03,110 Welcome to the bonus section of this course. 2 00:00:03,120 --> 00:00:09,300 So this is just quickly going to be materials that I have available to you that will help you be a bit 3 00:00:09,300 --> 00:00:10,600 more successful. 4 00:00:10,680 --> 00:00:14,460 And I wanted to drive you to the cyber mentor dot com. 5 00:00:14,460 --> 00:00:17,390 That is my personality my handle. 6 00:00:17,400 --> 00:00:22,950 So go ahead and go out to the cyber mentor dot com and from here if you scroll down you've got these 7 00:00:22,950 --> 00:00:26,190 links right here they're also in the corner of the bottom of the page. 8 00:00:26,310 --> 00:00:30,120 What I really want you to focus on first is this discord link. 9 00:00:30,300 --> 00:00:30,660 OK. 10 00:00:30,660 --> 00:00:32,580 And I'm going to click into the discord. 11 00:00:32,580 --> 00:00:36,660 There are four thousand people all active members in this just. 12 00:00:36,660 --> 00:00:39,420 We've got a lot of great people here. 13 00:00:39,420 --> 00:00:44,400 One thing that I want to point out is we have a Udemy course channel. 14 00:00:44,400 --> 00:00:47,060 Now this is about to launch here shortly. 15 00:00:47,190 --> 00:00:52,350 And once it launches this is the place that I would really love you to come in here ask questions about 16 00:00:52,950 --> 00:00:54,560 anything you have related to the course. 17 00:00:54,570 --> 00:00:59,070 If you need technical troubleshooting etc. This is going to be the place for you. 18 00:00:59,070 --> 00:01:02,010 Now there are fantastic resources in here. 19 00:01:02,010 --> 00:01:07,230 There's all different types of things that you can run through in here there's infosec related links 20 00:01:07,530 --> 00:01:08,870 based on topic. 21 00:01:08,910 --> 00:01:15,640 There is resume may help job postings mentors all different kinds of stuff in here for you. 22 00:01:15,660 --> 00:01:20,940 The only thing that I do request is that you come in here and you first read the rules and links up 23 00:01:20,940 --> 00:01:26,820 at the rules and links tab and go through that make sure you understand the rules and then come say 24 00:01:26,850 --> 00:01:30,480 hi and hang out come tell us who you are and who am I. 25 00:01:30,480 --> 00:01:36,030 There's a lot of things in here that I find useful for a bunch of people so again there's four thousand 26 00:01:36,030 --> 00:01:40,550 of us in here and we're all active members and we're just here to help each other out. 27 00:01:40,560 --> 00:01:42,230 So this is a fantastic resource. 28 00:01:42,240 --> 00:01:48,210 If you're if you're looking for a community if you're looking to you know find people that are like 29 00:01:48,210 --> 00:01:54,480 minded and looking to get into the field and just you know enjoy hacking and enjoy chatting with other 30 00:01:54,480 --> 00:01:54,860 people. 31 00:01:54,870 --> 00:01:56,220 This is for you. 32 00:01:56,250 --> 00:02:00,990 Other than that a couple other resources there is a twitch page here. 33 00:02:00,990 --> 00:02:03,060 If you're into twitch. 34 00:02:03,060 --> 00:02:04,540 This is my twitch page. 35 00:02:04,560 --> 00:02:07,500 The cyber mentor you can come here and follow me. 36 00:02:07,770 --> 00:02:11,830 And this is when I go on live stream I do a lot of hacking live. 37 00:02:11,940 --> 00:02:20,730 I do a lot of amaze career advice etc. alive so feel free to come by and watch some videos say hello 38 00:02:21,030 --> 00:02:25,130 you know follow me on on twitch and I also have a YouTube channel. 39 00:02:25,140 --> 00:02:29,020 So feel free to follow me on YouTube as well. 40 00:02:29,550 --> 00:02:33,250 So as of right now I've got quite a few videos on here. 41 00:02:33,420 --> 00:02:38,900 All kinds of different things we have you know different courses different materials and series. 42 00:02:38,900 --> 00:02:45,150 I talk about my being a business owner I have a teaching my wife hacking series we've got different 43 00:02:45,150 --> 00:02:50,610 career bids ethical hacking job interviews there's all different kinds of stuff on here that you might 44 00:02:50,610 --> 00:02:53,290 find useful related to ethical hacking. 45 00:02:53,460 --> 00:02:56,820 And if you enjoy this course please do comes swing by. 46 00:02:56,820 --> 00:03:01,120 Hit the subscribe button and you know come come send a visit here. 47 00:03:01,200 --> 00:03:08,370 Otherwise if you click on here for this link there's also a TCM dash SEC dot com. 48 00:03:08,370 --> 00:03:10,680 So this is my company Web site. 49 00:03:10,680 --> 00:03:11,730 Please do check me out. 50 00:03:11,730 --> 00:03:15,300 I do offer services if you want to have one on one training with me. 51 00:03:15,300 --> 00:03:21,210 We do have one on one training time services where we can just sit down together either you know work 52 00:03:21,210 --> 00:03:26,880 through a hacking lesson work through whatever it is you might want to be career advice etc. I always 53 00:03:26,880 --> 00:03:33,530 recommend you go to the Dischord channel first because that is free and free advice is is great advice. 54 00:03:33,560 --> 00:03:37,320 But if you still feel like you need a one on one lesson here you go. 55 00:03:37,320 --> 00:03:43,080 Also there are services here all the different types of pen testing that I do perform. 56 00:03:43,080 --> 00:03:51,210 If you are a no if somebody's in need of a pen test and you refer me to them externally you do get a 57 00:03:51,210 --> 00:03:53,100 10 percent bonus on that. 58 00:03:53,100 --> 00:03:56,210 So that is 10 percent of revenue for a full year. 59 00:03:56,430 --> 00:04:00,840 If you work internally at a company that needs a pen test guess what. 60 00:04:00,840 --> 00:04:04,210 I will let you sit with me on the pen test engagement. 61 00:04:04,260 --> 00:04:09,000 So those are my my two things so if you're looking for one on one training you're looking for a pen 62 00:04:09,000 --> 00:04:09,930 test. 63 00:04:09,930 --> 00:04:11,220 Please do check me out. 64 00:04:11,280 --> 00:04:17,980 Otherwise come swing by the discord counseling by the YouTube come add me on Twitter by the way or yeah 65 00:04:18,000 --> 00:04:20,490 on Twitter and you know just say hello. 66 00:04:20,490 --> 00:04:25,060 Drop me a drop me a hello and you know let me know how you enjoyed the course. 67 00:04:25,110 --> 00:04:30,270 So from here I hope you really enjoy the chorus if you're watching it at the beginning if if you're 68 00:04:30,270 --> 00:04:35,040 at the very very end I hope you enjoyed the course and that's that's all I got for you. 69 00:04:35,070 --> 00:04:36,150 So thank you so much.