1 00:00:01,030 --> 00:00:08,130 So as we learned before the entire ledger used in Bitcoins the whole block chain is public. 2 00:00:08,260 --> 00:00:14,470 So the ledger contains all transactions done using bitcoins for each transaction. 3 00:00:14,470 --> 00:00:20,410 Anybody can see the sender address the receiver address and the amount. 4 00:00:20,410 --> 00:00:26,800 Now if the sender and the receiver are using proper OPSEC and obtain their bitcoins anonymously then 5 00:00:26,800 --> 00:00:30,000 these addresses will not be tied to their identities. 6 00:00:30,080 --> 00:00:36,040 But like I said there are a number of ways that these addresses can tie to a person's identity. 7 00:00:36,040 --> 00:00:43,420 The easiest is if the person bought bitcoins using a coin exchange that requires identity verification 8 00:00:43,960 --> 00:00:52,150 or if the person or the entity you send in coins to has made their address public and is linked to an 9 00:00:52,150 --> 00:00:53,430 actual identity. 10 00:00:53,440 --> 00:00:59,920 For example if you're sending money to a known store or to unknown market therefore based on this information 11 00:01:00,220 --> 00:01:02,600 anyone can analyze the block chain. 12 00:01:02,620 --> 00:01:08,530 They can know exactly the balance of each address by tracing the amount of money sent to this address 13 00:01:08,770 --> 00:01:11,570 so they can know how much money is in your wallet. 14 00:01:11,590 --> 00:01:17,170 They can track your spending habits and based on that they can profile you and serve you more things 15 00:01:17,170 --> 00:01:19,250 more ads and so on. 16 00:01:19,270 --> 00:01:25,060 Not only that but if you have a considerable amount of coins then you'll become a target because people 17 00:01:25,060 --> 00:01:28,810 know that you have a lot of coins in your wallet. 18 00:01:28,810 --> 00:01:36,280 Again by tracing the amount of coins sent your address not to mention the fact that if you're sending 19 00:01:36,280 --> 00:01:42,850 money to an entity that is linked to an actual identity or if your actual identity gets linked to your 20 00:01:42,850 --> 00:01:49,350 address then this will reveal even more information that you might not want to be public. 21 00:01:49,360 --> 00:01:55,060 All of this was the incentive to making a more private cryptocurrency. 22 00:01:55,060 --> 00:02:01,090 There is a number of private crypto currencies the most popular at the moment is more narrow or some 23 00:02:01,090 --> 00:02:02,430 are. 24 00:02:02,440 --> 00:02:04,150 Now it's similar to bitcoin. 25 00:02:04,150 --> 00:02:05,530 It's decentralized. 26 00:02:05,530 --> 00:02:09,100 So there is no single entity that control it. 27 00:02:09,250 --> 00:02:12,030 But unlike Bitcoin it is private. 28 00:02:12,100 --> 00:02:18,400 So if you analyze the whole block chain you want to be able to get useful information on who is sending 29 00:02:18,400 --> 00:02:21,060 money to whom and the amount sent. 30 00:02:21,460 --> 00:02:26,680 So you can see addresses but the addresses used are temporary and secured. 31 00:02:26,680 --> 00:02:29,340 Therefore you can't see the actual sender. 32 00:02:29,380 --> 00:02:33,990 You can't see the actual the receiver and you can't see the real amount being transferred. 33 00:02:35,390 --> 00:02:38,390 Therefore what you analyze is not very useful. 34 00:02:38,390 --> 00:02:44,240 The transactions are untraceable and the sender and receiver are not likable. 35 00:02:44,240 --> 00:02:51,020 All of this is achieved using Greek signatures remain confidential transactions and stealth addresses 36 00:02:51,800 --> 00:02:58,100 the exact way how all of this works is a little bit complex and it dives too much on how block chain 37 00:02:58,130 --> 00:03:00,020 and crypto currencies work. 38 00:03:00,050 --> 00:03:05,660 Therefore I'm not going to cover it in this course but I will include useful resources in the resources 39 00:03:05,660 --> 00:03:10,730 section of this lecture which you can read for further information. 40 00:03:10,730 --> 00:03:14,630 Now unfortunately Thales does not come with money or a wallet. 41 00:03:14,630 --> 00:03:19,390 We have to manually install it but installed it is very very easy. 42 00:03:19,460 --> 00:03:23,060 So let's go to Thales and see how to do that. 43 00:03:23,270 --> 00:03:28,240 First of all you need to go to the download page of The Official Monaro Web site. 44 00:03:28,320 --> 00:03:34,430 Alec I'll include its link in the resources of this lecture and you want to scroll down to the Linux 45 00:03:34,430 --> 00:03:36,080 download link. 46 00:03:36,080 --> 00:03:39,770 Now I have the 64 bit version of tales installed. 47 00:03:39,770 --> 00:03:46,580 Therefore I'm going to click in here to download the 64 bit version of the Monaro wallet. 48 00:03:46,580 --> 00:03:52,520 Now just like any other download you want to click on save file and select the location where you want 49 00:03:52,520 --> 00:03:53,270 to download it. 50 00:03:53,300 --> 00:03:59,360 So by default it goes into amnesia Tor Browser and as you can see I've already downloaded it in here. 51 00:03:59,360 --> 00:04:00,970 So I'm not going to click on save. 52 00:04:01,040 --> 00:04:05,980 But in your case you want to click on Save and wait for it to fully download the wallet for you. 53 00:04:06,470 --> 00:04:11,780 I'm going to click on cancel because I've already downloaded it before this lecture to save time. 54 00:04:11,780 --> 00:04:18,340 And as you can see I already have it here in my Tor Browser directory and before interacting with this 55 00:04:18,340 --> 00:04:24,370 file just like any file we download from the internet we need to make sure that this file did not get 56 00:04:24,370 --> 00:04:30,580 modified as it was being downloaded because as explained before anything that you download from the 57 00:04:30,580 --> 00:04:37,810 Internet can be edited and modified at a number of locations as it's being downloaded. 58 00:04:37,810 --> 00:04:42,950 So previously we still have to verify downloads using their PDP signature. 59 00:04:42,950 --> 00:04:48,120 The verification process really depends on the information the developer has given us. 60 00:04:48,160 --> 00:04:54,340 So as you can see in this case in here the developer is not given us a PDP signature. 61 00:04:54,340 --> 00:05:03,910 Instead it's given us a sha 256 hash so to verify a downloaded file with its SHA 2 5 6 hash we need 62 00:05:03,910 --> 00:05:11,950 to go to applications accessories and we're going to use an application called GTA K hush. 63 00:05:11,950 --> 00:05:18,460 I'm going to open this application and in the file field in here I'm going to select the file that I 64 00:05:18,460 --> 00:05:20,770 want to verify it's harsh. 65 00:05:20,800 --> 00:05:27,190 This is the file that I just downloaded so I'm going to click in here and I'm going to go to Tor Browser 66 00:05:28,300 --> 00:05:31,060 and this is the file that we just downloaded. 67 00:05:31,150 --> 00:05:37,340 I'm going to click on open and I'm going to click on harsh to calculate its hash. 68 00:05:37,360 --> 00:05:40,330 Now we have the SHA 2 5 6 hash in here. 69 00:05:40,510 --> 00:05:46,330 And what I'm gonna do is I'm going to copy all of this and compare it to the harsh that the developer 70 00:05:46,340 --> 00:05:54,710 is given us here on the download page now as you can see the hash is much this means that the file did 71 00:05:54,710 --> 00:06:02,180 not get modified as it's been downloaded because if a single bit is changed in that file the hash that 72 00:06:02,180 --> 00:06:08,630 I just calculated manually on my local computer will not correspond to the harsh that we have on the 73 00:06:08,630 --> 00:06:10,150 web page in here. 74 00:06:10,190 --> 00:06:16,400 So because the hashes are matching this means that the file did not get modified since this harsh right 75 00:06:16,400 --> 00:06:16,670 here. 76 00:06:16,670 --> 00:06:24,560 Got calculated so we can interact with this file now safely as long as we trust the developer that gave 77 00:06:24,560 --> 00:06:26,000 us the file. 78 00:06:26,000 --> 00:06:31,400 So I'm going to write click this file because it's a package and I'm going to click on extract here 79 00:06:31,460 --> 00:06:32,400 to extract it. 80 00:06:33,490 --> 00:06:34,320 Okay perfect. 81 00:06:34,340 --> 00:06:37,200 That's done so you can leave it here. 82 00:06:37,220 --> 00:06:41,270 But if you leave it here as you know Thales is amnesiac. 83 00:06:41,270 --> 00:06:45,200 So when we restart the computer these files will not exist. 84 00:06:45,350 --> 00:06:51,480 Therefore I'm going to copy it and I'm going to paste it in my persistent directory. 85 00:06:51,560 --> 00:06:59,690 So right click and paste and if we navigate inside it we'll actually see another directory for the application 86 00:06:59,690 --> 00:07:00,460 itself. 87 00:07:00,470 --> 00:07:07,120 So I'm actually just gonna cut this and paste it outside just to make it easier to access and I'm going 88 00:07:07,120 --> 00:07:15,890 to delete the empty one and I'm going to rename this one to just Monaro Ju I again just to make it easier 89 00:07:15,890 --> 00:07:22,670 to access and if we navigate inside this directory you'll see we have a number of files that's needed 90 00:07:22,670 --> 00:07:29,420 by the Wallet application the main file that starts the wallet is this file right here this touch you 91 00:07:29,420 --> 00:07:31,900 I dot as Hage. 92 00:07:32,000 --> 00:07:40,450 Now this is a batch file which means that it can only be executed from the terminal from the Linux terminal. 93 00:07:40,460 --> 00:07:46,460 Now if you've done any of my other courses this will be very very easy for you if you haven't then don't 94 00:07:46,460 --> 00:07:47,440 worry about it. 95 00:07:47,630 --> 00:07:53,140 And the next lecture I'll show you how to run it and create our first monorail wallet.