1 00:00:00,750 --> 00:00:09,290 In this video I'm going to show you how to verify Tor Browser and install it on an Apple OS X computer. 2 00:00:09,480 --> 00:00:13,710 If you have a windows computer then Please revise the previous lecture. 3 00:00:13,710 --> 00:00:18,980 And if you have a Linux computer then skip this video and watch the next video. 4 00:00:19,140 --> 00:00:25,920 Only watch this lecture if you want to install tor browser on an Apple OS X computer. 5 00:00:25,920 --> 00:00:27,950 Otherwise just skip it. 6 00:00:28,110 --> 00:00:31,740 You will not lose any information if you skip this video. 7 00:00:32,880 --> 00:00:36,860 So right now I have the tour download page right here. 8 00:00:37,380 --> 00:00:42,720 And as you can see I can download tour for any operating system Windows Apple and Linux. 9 00:00:42,720 --> 00:00:47,220 And right now we want to install tor browser on an OS X computer. 10 00:00:47,220 --> 00:00:54,210 So I'm gonna download the English version from the Apple OS X column one click here will download it 11 00:00:54,210 --> 00:00:55,070 for you. 12 00:00:55,170 --> 00:00:58,410 What I already have it downloaded here so I'm not going to click that. 13 00:00:59,530 --> 00:01:04,930 And right now I can literally just double click it to install it. 14 00:01:04,930 --> 00:01:13,960 But before doing that it's a very good idea to verify that the file we downloaded here did not get modified 15 00:01:14,290 --> 00:01:16,400 as it was being downloaded. 16 00:01:16,630 --> 00:01:22,570 Because when you download something from the internet it passes through a number of nodes in which it 17 00:01:22,570 --> 00:01:27,720 can be modified so it can be modified by your Internet service provider. 18 00:01:27,730 --> 00:01:34,720 It can be modified by your network administrator and it can even be modified by hackers who managed 19 00:01:34,720 --> 00:01:37,900 to intercept the connection. 20 00:01:37,900 --> 00:01:45,400 So in order to verify that this file did not get modified we're going to use a signature provided to 21 00:01:45,400 --> 00:01:48,240 us by the Tor developers. 22 00:01:48,310 --> 00:01:56,110 So as you can see on this page each download has a sig this sig stands for signature. 23 00:01:56,200 --> 00:02:02,260 And this is a file that is unique to this download to the installer. 24 00:02:02,410 --> 00:02:10,360 It was generated by the developers when they packaged the installer and it can be used to verify that 25 00:02:10,360 --> 00:02:16,500 the installer did not get modified since it was packaged by the developers. 26 00:02:17,260 --> 00:02:23,260 So to verify the installer the first step is to download its signature. 27 00:02:23,260 --> 00:02:27,530 So like I said as you can see each file has its own signature. 28 00:02:27,580 --> 00:02:33,070 I downloaded this file right here so I'm going to download this signature and here I'm going to right 29 00:02:33,100 --> 00:02:40,120 click the signature file and I'm going to click on Steve link us to download it and I'm going to store 30 00:02:40,120 --> 00:02:43,400 it in Tor in the same directory that I have here. 31 00:02:43,480 --> 00:02:50,960 I'm going to click on Save and as you can see I have the signature file right here. 32 00:02:51,320 --> 00:02:58,070 Now all we need to do is verify the signature and make sure that this signature corresponds to this 33 00:02:58,160 --> 00:02:59,720 to this installer. 34 00:02:59,720 --> 00:03:07,400 And if it does then that means this installer was not modified since this signature was made which means 35 00:03:07,400 --> 00:03:15,600 that the installer was not modified since the publisher of Tor has published the file. 36 00:03:15,650 --> 00:03:23,570 Now we'll need to use a special program to do this verification on OSX we can download this for free. 37 00:03:23,570 --> 00:03:30,470 It's called GP G suit so it can click on download here to download it and I already have it downloaded 38 00:03:30,470 --> 00:03:37,520 right here and to install this all you have to do is literally just double click it just like any other 39 00:03:37,520 --> 00:03:38,420 application 40 00:03:41,170 --> 00:03:49,030 we're going to double click the installer here we're going to continue keep the language at English. 41 00:03:49,020 --> 00:03:54,620 We're going to agree we're going to click on install to install it. 42 00:03:54,680 --> 00:03:56,300 I'm going to put my password 43 00:03:59,430 --> 00:04:00,050 and that's it. 44 00:04:00,060 --> 00:04:05,630 It's installed so I'm going to click on close and I'm going to move this to Trish. 45 00:04:05,790 --> 00:04:12,060 This will just move the installer to Trish and I did this because I don't really need it anymore because 46 00:04:12,090 --> 00:04:18,180 I've installed the program so I'm going to close this I won't need to use any of this. 47 00:04:18,180 --> 00:04:24,700 This is just the program it got opened automatically and we're going to use the program that we just 48 00:04:24,700 --> 00:04:32,650 installed from the command prompt to verify the signature and see if this installer was modified or 49 00:04:32,650 --> 00:04:33,310 not. 50 00:04:33,310 --> 00:04:39,330 As we downloaded it to do this first we need to add the key. 51 00:04:39,330 --> 00:04:44,250 The third developers use to sign their installers. 52 00:04:44,580 --> 00:04:49,680 We can get the key from their web page right here and I'm going to include this in the resources of 53 00:04:49,680 --> 00:04:56,990 this lecture as well and as you can see if we just crawl to the top a little bit right here to the Mac 54 00:04:57,140 --> 00:05:04,040 OSX you can see that they're given us the keys so this is basically their key and the command that we 55 00:05:04,040 --> 00:05:08,790 need to use in order to add the key is this command right here. 56 00:05:09,050 --> 00:05:15,890 So G is the name of the program that we just installed that I said we need to use in order to verify 57 00:05:15,920 --> 00:05:19,430 the signature we're giving it a key server. 58 00:05:19,490 --> 00:05:27,350 So this is a server where we are going to pull the key from and then we're using the receive key argument 59 00:05:27,530 --> 00:05:31,440 to specify the key that we want to get. 60 00:05:31,460 --> 00:05:40,920 So I'm going to copy all of this and I'm going to paste it here and give this a few seconds and might 61 00:05:40,920 --> 00:05:44,160 actually take some time and it might even fail. 62 00:05:44,190 --> 00:05:51,090 So just try it a few times because when you try it the servers might be under a lot of pressure and 63 00:05:51,090 --> 00:05:54,600 they just will time out and they won't allow you to get the key. 64 00:05:55,110 --> 00:06:00,730 But as you can see in my case I got it from the first try in a relatively short time. 65 00:06:00,870 --> 00:06:02,750 So now the key is added. 66 00:06:02,820 --> 00:06:11,190 And before we actually verify the file I want to make sure that I got the correct key and to do that 67 00:06:11,280 --> 00:06:16,290 again I'm going to use the same command the same program that we just installed and I'm going to say 68 00:06:16,320 --> 00:06:22,730 I want to see the fingerprint of the key that we just got. 69 00:06:22,730 --> 00:06:33,170 So this is the key that we just got so I'm going to copy it and pasted and I actually didn't copy the 70 00:06:33,170 --> 00:06:33,710 full key. 71 00:06:33,710 --> 00:06:35,520 This is the full key. 72 00:06:35,750 --> 00:06:43,020 So again I'm just going to copy it and run the same command and perfect. 73 00:06:43,050 --> 00:06:44,870 I got the fingerprints. 74 00:06:44,870 --> 00:06:53,460 So the fingerprint is right here and you want to check this against the fingerprint that you have on 75 00:06:53,460 --> 00:06:54,280 their Web site. 76 00:06:54,300 --> 00:06:58,460 So this is the fingerprint that they have. 77 00:06:59,000 --> 00:07:05,220 And as you can see the two fingerprints March which means that we have the correct key added. 78 00:07:05,330 --> 00:07:12,470 And now we can go ahead and try to verify the installer that we just downloaded which is this installer 79 00:07:14,800 --> 00:07:20,710 so before we do this we need to navigate to the location where this is. 80 00:07:20,710 --> 00:07:30,890 And as you can see it's in downloads t o r so right now if I do P.W. d to get my current working directory 81 00:07:31,100 --> 00:07:40,280 you can see I am in users zoos and what I want to go is users zoos downloads t o r so I'm gonna do C 82 00:07:40,280 --> 00:07:47,960 D to change my working directory and I want to go to downloads forward slash T O R. 83 00:07:49,010 --> 00:07:54,170 So in your case if you just downloaded the files and your downloads you wouldn't need to go into the 84 00:07:54,170 --> 00:07:55,650 T O R directory. 85 00:07:55,730 --> 00:08:01,300 In my case because I have them in t t o r I'm gonna put t o r. 86 00:08:01,880 --> 00:08:08,900 I'm going to hit enter and if I do p WD to get my current working directory you can see I'm in user 87 00:08:08,900 --> 00:08:16,610 zoos downloads T O R and if I do Ellis to list all the files that I have in the current working directory 88 00:08:16,940 --> 00:08:23,870 you'll see that I have two files the first one is the installer deter browser installer and the second 89 00:08:23,870 --> 00:08:33,340 one is the signature that we can use to verify this installer now to verify the installer. 90 00:08:33,490 --> 00:08:36,470 All we have to do is again use the same command. 91 00:08:36,480 --> 00:08:44,530 P GP we're going gonna say that I want to verify and give it the name of the signature file. 92 00:08:44,530 --> 00:08:52,030 This file right here and we have it right here so you can just copy and paste it and we're going to 93 00:08:52,030 --> 00:08:56,870 hit enter and I typed BGP and actually should be CPG. 94 00:08:57,100 --> 00:09:00,000 So another spelling mistake that I made here. 95 00:09:00,760 --> 00:09:02,300 So I'll fix that. 96 00:09:02,350 --> 00:09:10,300 I'm going to hit enter and perfect as you can see it's telling us that this is a good signature from 97 00:09:10,300 --> 00:09:13,020 the top browser developers. 98 00:09:13,360 --> 00:09:22,060 So what we did right now is we use the signature to validate that this file right here did not get modified 99 00:09:22,300 --> 00:09:26,070 since the signature was created. 100 00:09:26,170 --> 00:09:29,050 Like I said this is not a necessary step. 101 00:09:29,140 --> 00:09:35,020 But if you want to make sure that you're using a clean version of the Tor browser then this is the best 102 00:09:35,020 --> 00:09:37,630 way to do it. 103 00:09:37,740 --> 00:09:44,400 So now that we are happy with the installer and know that it did not get modified we can just double 104 00:09:44,400 --> 00:09:51,750 click it to install it just like you install any other application on your system. 105 00:09:51,930 --> 00:09:55,000 So as you can see we have the third browser right here. 106 00:09:55,050 --> 00:09:59,730 You just have to drag and drop it to the applications in here. 107 00:09:59,850 --> 00:10:06,920 And once it's copied it will go into your applications where you can launch it from here. 108 00:10:07,060 --> 00:10:11,930 So if I just click on it in here I'm going to trust it. 109 00:10:11,930 --> 00:10:21,530 So I'm going to say open and this will first connect to the tour network and launch a normal web browser 110 00:10:21,650 --> 00:10:22,250 for me. 111 00:10:22,460 --> 00:10:30,380 But like I said anything you do on this web browser will go through the tour network and we'll talk 112 00:10:30,380 --> 00:10:36,670 more about how to use this browser how to configure it and all of that in the next lectures. 113 00:10:36,710 --> 00:10:43,640 But right now we managed to install a clean and unmodified version of detour browser.