1 00:00:00,360 --> 00:00:02,340 ‫So now let's talk about how Amazon S3 2 00:00:02,340 --> 00:00:05,760 ‫can be used to create aesthetic websites. 3 00:00:05,760 --> 00:00:07,320 ‫So S3 can host static websites 4 00:00:07,320 --> 00:00:09,810 ‫and have them accessible on the internet 5 00:00:09,810 --> 00:00:12,090 ‫and the website URL will be depending 6 00:00:12,090 --> 00:00:14,760 ‫on the AWS region where you create this, 7 00:00:14,760 --> 00:00:16,440 ‫either this or that. 8 00:00:16,440 --> 00:00:19,110 ‫And they look very, very similar as you can tell. 9 00:00:19,110 --> 00:00:21,450 ‫But the only difference is that here, you have a dash 10 00:00:21,450 --> 00:00:22,800 ‫and here, you have a dot. 11 00:00:22,800 --> 00:00:24,930 ‫It doesn't really matter for you to remember this 12 00:00:24,930 --> 00:00:26,910 ‫but just so you know, here it is. 13 00:00:26,910 --> 00:00:28,320 ‫So we have an extra bucket 14 00:00:28,320 --> 00:00:31,920 ‫and it will contain files, maybe HTML files, maybe images 15 00:00:31,920 --> 00:00:35,310 ‫and then we're going to enable this to be compatible 16 00:00:35,310 --> 00:00:36,360 ‫with hosting a website. 17 00:00:36,360 --> 00:00:39,660 ‫So this is what it will look like with the corresponding URL 18 00:00:39,660 --> 00:00:42,660 ‫and then the user will access our S3 buckets. 19 00:00:42,660 --> 00:00:44,130 ‫But this will not work 20 00:00:44,130 --> 00:00:47,940 ‫if we don't have public reads enabled on our S3 buckets. 21 00:00:47,940 --> 00:00:49,200 ‫And this is why in the first place, 22 00:00:49,200 --> 00:00:52,200 ‫in the last lecture we learned about S3 bucket policies. 23 00:00:52,200 --> 00:00:54,870 ‫So if you have a 403 forbidden error 24 00:00:54,870 --> 00:00:57,150 ‫after enabling your S3 bucket for reads, 25 00:00:57,150 --> 00:00:59,100 ‫then that means that your bucket is not public. 26 00:00:59,100 --> 00:01:02,070 ‫Therefore, you must attach an S3 bucket policy 27 00:01:02,070 --> 00:01:03,840 ‫that allows it to be public. 28 00:01:03,840 --> 00:01:05,190 ‫So that's it for this short lecture, 29 00:01:05,190 --> 00:01:07,590 ‫now let's go into the hands on to practice this.