1 00:00:00,240 --> 00:00:02,790 ‫Now, let's talk about AWS Cloud9 2 00:00:02,790 --> 00:00:04,680 ‫So Cloud9 is a very simple service. 3 00:00:04,680 --> 00:00:06,240 ‫It gives you an IDE, 4 00:00:06,240 --> 00:00:08,610 ‫so an Integrated Development Environment 5 00:00:08,610 --> 00:00:09,810 ‫that is cloud-based. 6 00:00:09,810 --> 00:00:13,350 ‫That means that you access your Cloud9 IDE 7 00:00:13,350 --> 00:00:15,570 ‫directly using your web browser. 8 00:00:15,570 --> 00:00:18,000 ‫So you get a code editor, you get a debugger, 9 00:00:18,000 --> 00:00:20,790 ‫and you get even a terminal in your browser. 10 00:00:20,790 --> 00:00:22,500 ‫And what is the benefit of this 11 00:00:22,500 --> 00:00:25,740 ‫versus running an IDE on your computer, for example? 12 00:00:25,740 --> 00:00:27,090 ‫Well, if it's on the cloud, 13 00:00:27,090 --> 00:00:28,710 ‫then you can work on your projects 14 00:00:28,710 --> 00:00:30,240 ‫from anywhere in the world, 15 00:00:30,240 --> 00:00:33,480 ‫as long as you have an internet connection into Cloud9. 16 00:00:33,480 --> 00:00:35,580 ‫On top of it, it is pre-packaged 17 00:00:35,580 --> 00:00:38,130 ‫with all the essential tools you're going to need, 18 00:00:38,130 --> 00:00:40,170 ‫for popular programming languages, 19 00:00:40,170 --> 00:00:44,160 ‫such as JavaScript, Python, PHP, and so on. 20 00:00:44,160 --> 00:00:46,500 ‫So the idea is that you really have to remove the setup 21 00:00:46,500 --> 00:00:48,000 ‫away from your local machine, 22 00:00:48,000 --> 00:00:50,130 ‫and you do everything on the cloud instead. 23 00:00:50,130 --> 00:00:52,140 ‫So now that you have an idea on the cloud, 24 00:00:52,140 --> 00:00:54,720 ‫the good thing about it is that you can start to share 25 00:00:54,720 --> 00:00:57,000 ‫your development environment with your team, 26 00:00:57,000 --> 00:00:58,680 ‫and you can enable pair programming. 27 00:00:58,680 --> 00:01:00,720 ‫You can literally see someone writing code 28 00:01:00,720 --> 00:01:03,060 ‫as you are writing code at the very same time. 29 00:01:03,060 --> 00:01:04,020 ‫And on top of it, 30 00:01:04,020 --> 00:01:06,450 ‫you have full integration of Cloud9 31 00:01:06,450 --> 00:01:09,210 ‫with AWS SAM and Lambda 32 00:01:09,210 --> 00:01:11,850 ‫to easily build serverless applications. 33 00:01:11,850 --> 00:01:13,140 ‫So it's very simple, 34 00:01:13,140 --> 00:01:15,030 ‫when have the exam and you see something around 35 00:01:15,030 --> 00:01:18,540 ‫a cloud-based code editor, think about Cloud9. 36 00:01:18,540 --> 00:01:19,620 ‫Okay, that's it. 37 00:01:19,620 --> 00:01:20,730 ‫I hope you liked it, 38 00:01:20,730 --> 00:01:22,743 ‫and I will see you in the next lecture.