1 00:00:01,260 --> 00:00:05,350 Now let's move on with the practical section of this course. 2 00:00:05,520 --> 00:00:08,610 What I will do is opening love you 3 00:00:21,990 --> 00:00:23,400 now click evaluate 4 00:00:29,540 --> 00:00:37,550 and let's open up our example and skull design. 5 00:00:37,580 --> 00:00:50,300 This is our design now I love arduino and let's see the port dedicated for arduino. 6 00:00:50,330 --> 00:00:52,980 Right click here in the south menu. 7 00:00:53,240 --> 00:00:56,790 Then go to device manager. 8 00:00:56,830 --> 00:01:05,140 Now what you need to do is head over to ports then algorithm owner on Com 3. 9 00:01:05,140 --> 00:01:19,120 Now let's run this and wait this choose a compote from here. 10 00:01:19,130 --> 00:01:22,990 It's come three Now that's fun this. 11 00:01:22,990 --> 00:01:26,690 Now as you can see this is our software. 12 00:01:26,830 --> 00:01:31,600 And here we can choose the digital channel that we want to send that to 13 00:01:38,810 --> 00:01:51,610 now that it did job because we haven't configured our maker hub so let's go Linux firmware was our and 14 00:01:51,610 --> 00:01:56,870 from here choose Arduino then Arduino Ono. 15 00:01:57,010 --> 00:02:00,880 And from here to Syria the next. 16 00:02:00,940 --> 00:02:08,330 Now select Com 3 then which is the port that we have here. 17 00:02:08,500 --> 00:02:10,780 Now all Device Manager for outgoing. 18 00:02:11,400 --> 00:02:14,090 Now the admin needs to be connected for this step. 19 00:02:14,190 --> 00:02:16,110 Then click next. 20 00:02:16,110 --> 00:02:22,440 As you can see this is the framework version and this is the upload type. 21 00:02:22,540 --> 00:02:25,500 Give these to the default settings. 22 00:02:25,500 --> 00:02:33,960 Now what you need to do is click next and it will start uploading the pre-built hex file to your Arduino 23 00:02:33,960 --> 00:02:37,790 to make it ready for communication with love you. 24 00:02:37,890 --> 00:02:45,810 Now it's configuring device settings and units that you are doing is blinking. 25 00:02:45,810 --> 00:02:48,370 Now you can lunch examples. 26 00:02:48,510 --> 00:02:52,680 This is an example or you can use our own example. 27 00:02:52,680 --> 00:02:54,890 We will check their example later. 28 00:02:54,900 --> 00:02:56,970 Now let's see our example. 29 00:02:57,330 --> 00:03:00,370 Let's run it and go here. 30 00:03:00,600 --> 00:03:05,360 As you can see from here you can choose the composer that you want to use. 31 00:03:06,660 --> 00:03:11,790 And we need to use digital PIN number 13. 32 00:03:11,790 --> 00:03:20,850 And as you can see I'm turning it on and off a video will appear here on the screen showing you what's 33 00:03:20,850 --> 00:03:24,720 happening on my arduino. 34 00:03:24,720 --> 00:03:29,110 Now this is amazing because you can't control any of the digital channels from here. 35 00:03:29,130 --> 00:03:34,800 You can simply select an adult child and send on land of value to that child. 36 00:03:35,550 --> 00:03:42,990 This includes writing and reading data to and from digital or analog input output channels. 37 00:03:42,990 --> 00:03:46,470 Now we have other example must of this one. 38 00:03:46,470 --> 00:03:54,090 We have another example which is available from the maker hub company. 39 00:03:54,270 --> 00:04:01,320 And as you can see it's here with instructions like the serial port associated with that Linux device 40 00:04:01,350 --> 00:04:08,740 which is Arduino Com 3 now select the digital output channel connected to the lid. 41 00:04:09,340 --> 00:04:17,030 It's already set to the default digital output jump in Number 13 which is basically the built and led. 42 00:04:17,050 --> 00:04:21,460 Now we know now click the Run out of. 43 00:04:21,650 --> 00:04:29,070 Now once you take that on Arrow as you can see we have come three And then number 13. 44 00:04:29,180 --> 00:04:40,710 Now what you need to do is turn on and turn off the lid as you can see here we have unnatural was unable 45 00:04:40,710 --> 00:04:42,300 to connect to that device. 46 00:04:42,300 --> 00:04:47,760 OK continue. 47 00:04:47,820 --> 00:04:49,740 Now let's check this out 48 00:05:01,050 --> 00:05:02,490 now. 49 00:05:02,550 --> 00:05:08,120 It was a glitch in the serial port but now it's working just fine. 50 00:05:09,210 --> 00:05:11,610 As you can see it's sending on and off 51 00:05:15,150 --> 00:05:17,010 and everything works just fine. 52 00:05:17,010 --> 00:05:20,430 Now here The sky is your limit. 53 00:05:20,430 --> 00:05:25,560 You can as you can see here we use the digital light function. 54 00:05:25,560 --> 00:05:35,390 You can go to make our hub the next and go to the fairgrounds choose analog right or read for this to 55 00:05:35,390 --> 00:05:42,600 run download brands for analog pens to write analog values or read and values and you can choose to 56 00:05:42,600 --> 00:05:49,680 read digital value for a switch or write a value for any other device. 57 00:05:49,680 --> 00:05:50,220 That's it. 58 00:05:50,220 --> 00:05:56,070 This is the practical lesson on how you can easily control any of the abdominal pains with the least 59 00:05:56,120 --> 00:05:58,540 minimal amount of effort using. 60 00:05:58,600 --> 00:06:03,510 Love you and how you can create a customized UI to do that. 61 00:06:03,510 --> 00:06:06,110 If you have any questions please ask and if you're on the board. 62 00:06:06,110 --> 00:06:06,900 Thanks for watching. 63 00:06:06,900 --> 00:06:10,110 This is Ashraf from educational engineering team.